Press release


CONGRATULATIONS on the Enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ in Slovakia

December 6, 2023

Dear Mr., Štefan Kuffa,

Allow me to openly, from the depths of my heart, congratulate you on your act of Unselfish Love in the sense of Proclaiming the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ as the King of Slovakia and His Installation on the Slovak throne.

With this Exceptional Act of Yours, you have solidified the believing beings in the certainty that with this life, or rather the setting aside of the temporary bodily vessel, life does not end, that Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely real, that He watches over us and observes every step we take, but also reads our innermost thoughts and is present in all our actions.

With this awakening act of yours, you have defended both beings who, in their Spiritual endeavors, falter without such Spiritual authorities as yourself, Mr. Kuffa, and also beings who have not yet realized the reality of higher levels of existence and thus have not had the opportunity to begin working with this newly acquired awareness in terms of their deeper Spiritual development. This truly entails embarking on the path of one's own Spiritual inquiry, exploration, and examination, with the aim of better benefiting both themselves and other beings.

All of this is for the Reinstatement and also the Subsequent Establishment of the Divine ORDER in our society in terms of Recognizing this Order by secular legislation for the purpose of Preserving This Order, so that this Divine ORDER once and for all dominates the demonic disorder caused by Ignorance to which beings who have not yet been alerted to and educated about the broader dimension of life are subject. All this is aimed at ensuring that this Divine ORDER serves as protection for ALL beings, because all transgressions of beings stem from insufficient Spiritual awareness, and spiritually immature beings thus spiritually decline due to this inherent inadequacy, simultaneously drawing down their fellow beings into this decline, and subsequently the entire community falls...

Free Spiritual education should thus be accessible to ALL beings without distinction, so that Ignorance may be eradicated along with the actions stemming from this Ignorance, so that Spiritual Protection and Support for the ENTIRE society may be attained, so that in such a community it will no longer be possible for a being to be deprived of Spiritual Support and Assistance, so that it will no longer be possible for a being to evolve into a demonic being instead of a Divine one.

All of this is with the purpose of allowing beings who have so far devoted themselves solely to the limited pursuit of material gains, which they achieve in any careless manner for the purpose of accumulating wealth for subsequent consumption of pleasures without any deeper Spiritual sense or meaning, to renounce this nonsensical behavior in their own interest and in the sense of their own evolutionary Spiritual development. This is so that they may freely and freely and therefore in Love move and evolve in society, so that it will no longer be possible for them in their future lives to find themselves in communities where it is possible, for a fee that follows pleasure, to obtain the murder of their neighbor, that is, cannibalism. Thus, to protect even beings who have acted in this way so far, because they have acted in this way so far because they have been treated in this way in their previous pitiful experiences, so that they are allowed to rise above this unhealthy way of mental and Spiritual, and subsequently physical, activities and leave them as their already transformed relics, so that, in terms of future unfortunate consequences on their entire lineage, in the sense of its fall into lower Spiritual realms and spheres, they no longer commit evil upon themselves...

And I emphasize this precisely because without realizing the reality of higher levels of existence, it is not possible for beings who do not yet possess this awareness to cease their previous pursuit of low behavior, such as improper enrichment, etc., which leads to the accumulation of negative or sinful acts, the accumulation of which subsequently leads to immediate retribution in the sense of action and reaction in the worldly reality, as well as in the sense of the law of causes and effects after the laying aside of this body in the next life, for example, in the sense of deportation to lower levels of reality in the case of particularly serious transgressions.

For all beings, whom you, with your both humble and confident act of the enthronement of Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ on the Slovak throne, have alerted to the Broader Dimension of Life, so that they may become aware of it, I thank you from the depths of my heart: "I thus ask you, excellency, if it would be possible in the nearest short time for Slovakia to be consecrated to Christ the King with the participation of all bishops and the entire government. Bishops, that is you, I have no influence over, but I can ask the government to make it happen. It would be a great thing."

And further: "For the Ministry of Culture, we give a promise, I give it publicly here as well, that we will be the ones to initiate, to achieve as soon as possible that Christ the King is enthroned and becomes the king of Slovakia."

IF, therefore, you, Mr. Kuffa, during the mass celebrated by the Apostolic Nuncio in Slovakia, Nicola Girasoli, at its end, requested the floor in order to CALL UPON the bishops to contribute to the enthronement of Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, then you have just shown tremendous courage, which lies precisely in the fact that you have Spoken on Behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and have Stood for Him, although He is absent to the eyes that do not see, when precisely this CALL of Yours, which certainly does not take the Name of God in vain, and likewise the manner of its execution, is, from the perspective of God's and Spiritual Laws, the Restoration of His RULE, which does not wait for the approval of the laws of this world, does not care about that, it is through you that this world is represented, and it is precisely through Your Unselfish and Courageous act, which is precisely a way of Your Own Pure Accomplishment, simultaneously a Pure Testament of the Redemption of the Slovak nation— in other words, Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ has been, through You, Ushered onto the Slovak throne and thus Truly Enthroned, and through You, Slovakia has Entrusted and Consecrated to Our Merciful Jesus Christ the King with EVERYTHING that entails, and what has happened cannot be denied. Therefore, You Yourself, Mr. Kuffa, or in accordance with the Blessing of your LIKE-MINDED neighbors, have Done So, You Yourself have, with this Honorable Deed and Act of Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ on the throne of Slovakia, Ushered Him and Enthroned Him.

Therefore, Mr. Kuffa, allow me to correct your final statement: "It would be a big deal," which you added during your Unselfish Deed, to: "It´s The Big Deal, It´s Done," because the fact that you Proclaimed it in the subjectivities of ALL beings who Registered it, whether wishing it or not, in terms of thought processes and therefore mental and Spiritual activity, initiated processes, and therefore it works, and precisely because it works, it will gradually become reality for those for whom it is not yet a reality, regardless of what they think in terms of "attitude" and "I like it or I don't like it and therefore I accept or reject it".

In other words, what is the Reality of Your Heart, and the Heart of Jesus Christ has been Imprinted onto the HEARTS of other beings, you have thus become the Extended Hand and Finger of this LAW. For a more detailed explanation, it works in the SAME way here (

For this reason, because you were the one to whom the nation from which you emerged was provided Spiritual Protection and Support in times of utmost need and darkness, you deserve my recognition, for in my eyes, you are the intelligent sacred flower of this nation, which naturally would not have been possible if the Lord Jesus Christ Himself had not granted His Highest Blessing upon you.

As for the Catholic television station, which initially removed the recording of the mass and later returned it to their website with the explanation that your speech had been cut out, I must state that Truth and Love are recognized by the fact that their own comfort, especially securing their incomes, comes second, after Service to God. Truth and Love therefore have no reason to CENSOR, Truth and Love, after understanding the motivation behind this or that action, before REJECTING anything, first seeks to understand, in order to avoid unwillingly avoiding such motivation, in order to FIRST verify the Purity of the Actions in the sense of Your Holy Service to other beings, opposite actions would then mean Your Own Testimony of a motivation of an opposite nature. But even such actions deserve our respect and therefore understanding for the weakness of the Divine Being currently manifested in human form. After all, even Jesus Christ called out to Almighty God: "Father, why have you forsaken me?!" But that was when He was nailed to the cross, and none of us should cheat, none of us should carry a lighter cross in terms of Holy Service if we can handle more. This raises the question of whether anyone, even someone falling into the Spiritual tradition and its hierarchical order, is able under all circumstances to judge the purity of anyone's motivation if they are not first sure themselves that they put their own well-being second, that is, after Holy Service to their neighbor? How could someone verify External Purity, who does not possess it within themselves?

It is not the Divine worldly Spiritual order that makes a person Divine, but their own real actions in terms of the Holy Service rendered and performed to other beings, because it is precisely the Honest and Sincere Holy Service to other beings that gives and provides the opportunity to forget about limited self and thus gives and provides the opportunity to approach one's own Divinity. Therefore, it is SIMULTANEOUSLY a Reward for those who embark on it, because it is precisely the Honest and Sincere Holy Service to other beings, through which the being, previously absorbed in the view of "I" and "mine", is Cleansed from this absorption, Rises above this limited framework, Transcends it, and precisely through Holy Service, both to oneself and to one's neighbor, from this absorption, which is the beam in the eye, into Higher States of Happiness than we have known so far, Liberates. Neither in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, nor in the case of the Venerable Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA and other Buddhas, whom we try to emulate, was it any different, so why should it not apply to ourselves...

No one should therefore attempt to apply the order to which they themselves are subject, to someone whose actions, due to their own reluctance to exert effort and examine them, either have no slightest inkling of or merely speculate about from the level of their own superficiality. Those who do not respect this should have their patent for Spiritual monopoly revoked. It should be us, then, who, if beings in our presence find themselves in such weakness, provide them with understanding and compassion by openly communicating and sharing these weaknesses before they grow into a situation of HELL. And also, because we ourselves, in times of greatest need, in our Fragility and Vulnerability, ARE NOT different, nor do we pretend to be, and who knows when we ourselves will be weak enough to need those for whom we can be here in their weakness today? And that is precisely the All-Encompassing Light, because from the level of personal egoism and self-centeredness it shines through to the level of community, that is, the Church or Sangha, thus acknowledging our own Fragility and Vulnerability, we prefer to be humble and modest beforehand in the Face of the All-Encompassing, so that we may choose to preserve our own Dignity, rather than being, as our experience has shown in the past, forced into humility and modesty by the Order of God. Last but not least, therefore, so that we may, in our situation at its lowest point, dignifiedly seek help so that our own shame does not have to slap us in the face.

Thus, Mr. Kuffa, through the thunder of Jesus thundering through you, which represents the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and which also means a shake-up for the power structures directly related to ensuring incomes in their personal budgets for specific individuals, you literally represent the New Testament in the sense of Being Truly Cleansed, and individuals who are afraid that you might perchance rise above them in this worldly "order" and suddenly gain the ability to decide about their future precisely in terms of material security. Such individuals should be aware that if their motivations are Pure, they have nothing to fear, because by choosing you, Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ has already gained that possibility, so you already stand in it, which is a Givenness that also means that it is not possible for you, as His representative, to act unjustly. Likewise, it is never too late to correct previous actions. In the case of bishops and other high church dignitaries themselves, I would be VERY cautious about their current positions in the future, and PARTICULARLY before the Face of the Lord Christ Himself, lest they themselves turn against themselves, because why should, after all, God's representatives not quickly and joyfully agree with your proposal for the enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ in the throne of Slovakia? Especially when they KNOW that the Lord Jesus Christ, speaking His message to His servants, says this: 'Whoever does not open to you when you carry my message, even though he knows that my message you carry, at the door of that dwelling, remove your sandals from your feet and dust yourself off, to give me a sign of who will not enter my kingdom.' Did they sleep through catechism class?! Or do they think it is a joke? Do they seriously think that Baby Jesus will have mercy on those who do not have it for Him? Well... if so, that's just what they think, because His further words are: 'Whom I open to, no one else will close, and whom I close to, no one else will open,' which tells us that whoever opposes Him, He will let them fall without mercy into the lower levels of hell not because He wishes to be against them, but because His patience has reached its limit and overflowed. And who can on their personal level say that they can be sure? Is worldly hierarchy a guarantee of future life for anyone? I do not think so.

Therefore, Mr. Kuffa, anyone who rejects or has rejected your proposal without engaging in dialogue with you, in order to properly and enthusiastically consider and explore it, has closed or is closing those doors, and I point out to them their own CONTRADICTION, therefore also evidence of their own contradictory behavior, in their own interest, so that I could alert them in time, before they face their disappointment, to give them the opportunity and chance to reconsider their actions, because it is possible that even though they may think they are servants of God, they CONSCIOUSLY refuse to face the challenges that God is CURRENTLY placing before them, which is not God's Service.

For beings spiritually weakened and deprived of MEMORY (who know this but, due to their attachment to the five senses + thinking, tend to constantly forget it), it is in their own interest to CONSTANTLY REMIND and therefore AWARE them that this world, with its laws and arrangements, limited only to the basic senses (five + thinking), is an arrangement ONLY temporary, and therefore also limited. This world naturally does not rule over the Universal World, which, according to the level of their own achieved Spiritual self-realization, is managed by beings who are supernaturally developed. Those who underestimate, overlook, or ignore this perspective will sooner or later, but INEVITABLY, come up against it.

Beings spiritually weakened and deprived of MEMORY, who forget about the aforementioned (cause), and therefore mistakenly consider themselves mere human beings, and not Servants of God (consequence), are to be alerted to this, in order for them to be provided with Spiritual Support and Assistance in time (cause), so that they may be spared from accumulating negative deeds or other sins (consequence), which naturally result in negative consequences (consequence), that is, FATE or KARMA.

From the above, it is possible to understand beings spiritually weakened and deprived of MEMORY, who mistakenly consider themselves "mere humans" and not Servants of God, who can be recognized by the fact that they, although they respect and worship the secular hierarchical structure, whether governmental or Spiritual, do not otherwise heed the Universal Laws and are not even aware that without the Universal Laws themselves, there would not be even the secular laws, that is, those within whose framework we have been allowed to gather our Spiritual experiences in these bodily shells.

Beings spiritually weakened and deprived of MEMORY, therefore, do not so much fear that Baby Jesus would be enthroned, as they fear that it would happen through you, because by such an act, all previously "functioning" functions of the so-called Spiritual power traditionally hierarchical, which the bestowal of individual functions in the office of the spiritual-worldly is subject to by the authorities of the spiritual-worldly, have been denied the approval of beings spiritually weakened and deprived of MEMORY who mistakenly consider themselves "mere humans" and not Servants of God, by which they sin in the sense that from the level of their weakness, they mistakenly claim such rights without further discussion. And it is precisely this rigid and ossified "self-confidence", which naturally has nothing to do with Spiritual self-confidence, that can become superiority and arrogance over an otherwise ordinary, humble, modest, honorable person, assuming that the representative of this or that tradition rather slept through it at the level of their majesty, rather than realizing that Baby Jesus CONSTANTLY SEES EVERYTHING and accordingly EVERYONE subsequently receives "to each what is due," and the GAME of ignorance of the law in the sense of "but we didn't know, if we knew we would have acted differently" does not excuse anyone, I repeat, NO ONE. The GAME, because Baby Jesus KNOWS that everyone acts CONSCIOUSLY, and therefore EVERYONE who closes their eyes to their neighbor acts CONSCIOUSLY, knowingly, so NO ONE deceives Him and also therefore the LAW in the sense of Absolute Justice represents.

From the perspective of the secular Spiritual tradition, which beings spiritually weakened may or may not represent (and we are supposed to be the ones who recognize this), the enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ from the perspective of someone, that is, you Mr. Kuffa, who declared it without the permission of this tradition, essentially means questioning the significance and purpose of the Spiritual power, which IF SILENT to the CURRENT EVENTS IN THE WORLD (similarly as was the case with the Pope during World War II) and which, as it seems, is currently influenced by secular power (promotion of gender ideology and therefore false faith), this means that such Spiritual power in the Spiritual sense no longer fulfills its function, is therefore already non-functional, and what does not fulfill its true function, because it is non-functional, it is not possible to ask for the enthronement of Baby Jesus, because a broken coffee grinder, no one will ask to grind coffee. It's not personal, because it, that is, the grinder, might even want to grind the coffee, but it simply does not have the power it needs for that, so it is powerless either due to burnt electrical circuits, or for other reasons, it is non-functional, but the fact remains that it is non-functional, and therefore it cannot and does not know how to grind coffee similarly as the enthronement of Baby Jesus by the former tradition cannot and cannot be ensured, it is not within its capacities and possibilities, that is, the current ones, maybe in the future, thanks to the current Spiritual Support and Assistance from beings such as yourself, Mr. Kuffa, it will be different.

If the sense and purpose of the function of the Spiritual tradition, whose function is to protect other beings, disappear, then the worldly advantages stemming from such a function will naturally also disappear, because such a Spiritual tradition, which no longer fulfills its function and which does not protect other beings but instead, God forbid, collaborates with worldly power in the destruction of nations and therefore their liquidation, has no right to the benefits arising from the function of the Spiritual authority.

Nebel im August:

The enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ in Slovakia thus became the Revival of the Spiritual Tree of Life and spiritual tradition, and without the spiritual Support and Assistance of someone like yourself, Mr. Kuffa, considering the local and global situation, it is not possible to restore the credibility of the church, which subsequently also makes it impossible to Awaken and subsequently Strengthen the sense of spiritual guidance in beings weakened and deprived of memory. Because as it appears, even the Pope himself is under great pressure, the Pope himself is just an ordinary, fragile, and vulnerable person, easily susceptible to blackmail, who, as it seems, is being blackmailed not only by demonic forces in connection with gender ideology but is also in distress, needing our sympathy, understanding, spiritual Support, and Protection, which the situation demands because he himself knows that he is just a weak human being, just as Baby Jesus knew when He was physically present here, just as the Pope knew during World War II, just as any other Pope knows, just as Saint Francis gave his absolution to the Pope in the end:

"Brother Sun, Sister Moon"

just as the Dalai Lama knows

This once again points to the possibility of empathizing with the current Pope's situation in terms of compassionate reflection on whether he himself might be abandoned by his priests, and whether there might be multiple demands placed on him that he is unable to reflect on in his current situation and position, and whether it is even realistic to expect him to fulfill them because if he is abandoned and weakened by his neighbors, it means that the entire church is weak. And yet you know what Baby Jesus says to the church that does not spiritually progress, develop, and grow? And you also know that He Spiritually Supports and Nourishes such a church that moves forward and develops in Spiritual growth, which naturally relates to the fact that He moves to such places in the world (precisely because he was abandoned by the weak) to give the weak the opportunity to hate their weakness so that they can grow again.

In the future age, therefore, significant places in Slovakia, which are directly related to the Enthronement of Christ the King on the throne of Slovakia, will play a significant role.

The Book of Revelation:

Weaknesses in terms of CONSCIOUS wrongdoing in the form of overlooking the proclamation of the enthronement of the Lord Jesus Christ can be understood, and these can be assumed to be rectified through a willingness to initiate a dialogue of apology. However, if from such actions subsequently arise sidelong tactics, these are inexcusable and naturally will be punished in the future in accordance with the Universal Laws because a deeper involvement in Spiritual matters naturally carries deeper responsibility in terms of confidently introducing this Spiritual awareness and knowledge into the so-called material world, including the CONSTANT provision of Shelter, Support, and Protection to beings who are unaware and suffering. It is NOT POSSIBLE to consciously turn a blind eye to them and thus prolong the benefits of this world for oneself; that would then be a deal with the devil. EACH of us is CONSTANTLY responsible, and EACH of us not only will confess but confesses CONSTANTLY. And if we happen to forget that, we regret it afterward; thus CONSTANT VIGILANCE in the sense of "do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you and do not hinder what is in the interest of ALL beings" is the Only Meaningful Direction for us, precisely so that we do not have to regret our impure and dishonest deeds retrospectively, hence CONSCIENCE.

Johnny Cash, through his song, describes such mental states, the processes of the spirit, and CONSCIENCE when he clearly states that his own previous impure deeds mean committing impure deeds on the very Body of Christ and essentially mean His crucifixion because Johnny realizes that ANY personal indifference to his neighbors in terms of being engrossed in his own personal success, glory, etc., was a selfish comfort that he preferred over the Holy Service to his neighbors. And how Johnny wanted it to be seen, with his distress, even his closest companion cannot help him. Through this open confession, repentance, and confession, Johnny thus at the end of his life purifies himself, as well as other beings touched by his prayer, from a bad CONSCIENCE and ASKS the Lord Jesus Christ for the opportunity to start anew with a clean slate.

Johnny Cash – Hurt:

At this opportunity of developing compassion for the current Pope, let me also allow myself to, in connection with the events in Japan in the mid-17th century (,

cleanse the reputation of the Buddhist families and state that true followers of Buddha do not support any feudal lords in violent actions directed against other beings. True followers of Buddha do not accept gifts even from such beings, and they are recognized by the fact that, on a personal level, they acknowledge the First Noble Truth proclaimed by the Venerable Buddha Shakyamuni known as GAUTAMA.

This acknowledgment can be likened to one's own personal confession, similar to the one a believer makes to a trusted Spiritual guide, to whom they entrust themselves as their Spiritual physician and counselor, with the aim of receiving Spiritual Support and Assistance for relief. For such a confession to be possible at all, one must reach the Level of Basic Humility, in the sense that a being admits to themselves that they are not well, that they are suffering. Without this, such a personal confession is not possible at all, and where it is not possible, beings may even think that they are leading a good and successful life, while in the Spiritual sense, they are literally wasting away and perishing in their hearts. Only through an act of humility in acknowledging suffering, "I suffer," can subsequent humility come in the sense of, "I cannot deal with this alone, I need help from someone who can provide it to me," in the sense of "finding an answer to this suffering."

Such beings, through their own Spiritual work on themselves, get a chance to seriously and sincerely search for ways to benefit themselves and other beings, while others naturally do not. Beings that have not yet reached this level, in terms of CONSTANT EFFORT to find a way out of suffering, cannot even try, because they have not yet been given the opportunity, and therefore do not try, and thus do not make their own repentance, and thus THROUGH their impure actions in the form of thoughts and subsequent actions, they continue to accumulate negative KARMA, and thus they do not have the opportunity, whether through the Path of Buddha or the Path of Christ (which are essentially IDENTICAL), to follow their own and SELF-CONSCIOUS avoidance of sinful actions and thus personally and generally unprofitable actions. Without the Support and Assistance of Spiritual Leaders, they do not have the opportunity to start such a Path. Japanese priests of that time can be understood in the same way as the Pope during World War II and thus provide them with compassion, because similarly to the Pope during World War II, they mostly remained silent and through their actions essentially supported the fear of feudal lords, feudal lords who themselves lagged behind in their own Spiritual development and who naturally feared the loss of their power position when ordinary people were given the opportunity by Christian missionaries to be treated decently and kindly, with Dignity, which, of course, at that time those who held worldly power, through which they treated people like cattle, were against and therefore did not want people to get used to such decent and kind and therefore CULTURAL treatment. Followers of Buddha act more like this (, and through all life's vicissitudes, they constantly discover that "do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you," because whether you call it Divine Punishment or KARMA, if you act like that, it is naturally impossible for the consequences of such actions not to eventually come

In connection with the above, allow me, Mr. Kuffa, to also express my opinion on your call to stop the gender ideology: "For the Ministry of Culture, we promise that the gender ideology, which troubles our Slovakia, will not be. This will be the end," and also on your statement: "A woman does not have the right to abortion."

Regarding the gender ideology, I fully identify with the statement of Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, who, through you as well as through other beings in different parts of the world, has clearly spoken on this topic, and I support this statement. Why? It is an artificially created belief that has no real justification. Why?

Because all manifested life here on Mother Earth, if we exclude beings arising from eggs or slime, or rather manifested life in human form, is only possible on the condition that it emerges from a father and a mother, no other way, and the level of intelligence of beings predisposes them to define and delineate this position clearly as you, Mr. Kuffa, have as a LAW. Why? For the benefit of ALL beings, because beings that are uncertain about this (cause) are insecure (effect), and as insecure beings, they do not find PEACE within themselves (cause), and as beings not finding peace, they disturb other beings (effect), and without being AWARE OF THIS, they cannot achieve the desired PEACE, and without it in the societal sense and in living together, even those who coexist with them in such a community cannot. You, Mr. Kuffa, are already acting, and thus in the Light of the Guidance of Christ the King, you are naturally a Spiritual Support and Protection for yourself, as well as for other beings, including those who are not yet aware of it, because they have been led to false belief, because such beings have been led to false belief by beings who are completely indifferent and, especially intentionally, seduced, and thus they are also sacrificed in reality and especially intentionally. Thus, they are NOT YET prepared for the Rights to their Spiritual Ascension and Development, and such a SERIOUS situation should not be possible in the presence of Spiritual authorities, which is precisely thanks to you, Mr. Kuffa, and also thanks to your brother.

Marián Kuffa: I wonder why we cannot resist progressivism:

Everyone knows who is who and where they stand in terms of their spiritual awareness, and they CONSTANTLY know it. This is not a call for malice and hatred; it is a call for understanding, compassion, tolerance, and patience with those who, by their fellow beings, have been drawn into this false belief. However, understanding, compassion, tolerance, and patience should not be confused by any being with the desire of beings who are trying to adapt to something that leads to their own decline. Beings providing their understanding, compassion, tolerance, and patience do so with the intention of providing Spiritual Support and Assistance to those beings who fervently seek it, who ask for it. Beings providing their understanding, compassion, tolerance, and patience, however, do not ask anyone to be understood.

Beings are always seduced into false beliefs (such as gender ideology) by beings who are unable to benefit themselves or other beings. Such beings operate only in a NEGATIVE setting, which is based on the principle of MUTUAL EXPLOITATION. Thus, such beings seek ways in which, under the "promise of rights and freedoms for minorities," they can count on their support, which ultimately is not even the point, but rather a diversion of attention by engaging in this topic, with the aim of excited discussions on this topic within nations, creating chaos in nations, the opportunity to steal away the ATTENTION and VIGILANCE that is diverted to these and other extreme topics, which are otherwise NECESSARY for beings in a nation to focus on national questions instead, namely: "bread and circuses," as Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ says: "Man shall not live by bread alone.", which tells us that beings also unknowingly feed on information in the sense of programmed broadcasts into the subjectivities of beings, and accordingly their subjective reality looks like that; it is about programs of mutual exploitation, which is the opposite of the possibility of MUTUAL BENEFIT. If beings are captivated and subsequently saturated by ANY kind of information flow that can entertain them, they do not have the opportunity to PERCEIVE what is actually happening in the nation, they do not have a real opportunity to address national questions (in terms of protecting their interests), and demonic beings who claim the material world as theirs, the resources of everything, thus they have conquered such a Spiritual realm in the spiritual sense and significance, they have subjected it, they exploit it in the energetic sense, and in that they strive to maintain an unstable environment.

Of course, such beings do not act out of their Free Will, because beings engaged in such activities do so because they themselves have no other option based on their own deep Unconsciousness. Beings who possess Free Will, on the other hand, instead of being preoccupied with their unrest, devote themselves to their Spiritual practice aimed at PEACE, and at the same time, provide Spiritual Protection and Support to other beings (cause), as a result of which they are PEACEFUL and as a result, their environment is PEACEFUL too, and as a result of this, their Honest and Sincere Spiritual efforts receive Spiritual inspirations and instructions in terms of socially creative.

Beings who do not possess PEACE are, of course, DIRECTLY DEPENDENT on the CREATIVE POTENTIAL of beings who are capable of it, so they do not actually have a claim to what they make of it. It should be legislated that intellectual property does not belong to demonic forces, which have, through the MISUSE of worldly and Spiritual laws given to beings by Grace and which demonic forces have twisted, appropriated—these should be taken back in the interest of CIVILIZATION and handed over to beings who already control themselves to SUCH AN EXTENT that they ALREADY SERVE in terms of Sacred Service and give priority to this Sacred Service over personal gains:

Decree on Intellectual Ownership

The attack in terms of an attempt to introduce this false belief - gender ideology - was CONSCIOUSLY made by entities who are VERY WELL AWARE and therefore KNOW that when they weaken the Spiritual consciousness of a nation, chaos arises in the nation, because weakening the Spiritual consciousness of a nation leads to discord and disunity at the family level, and thus, these discordant, disunited, and therefore WEAKENED in VIGILANCE (in terms of Mutual Love and Care) subjects are easy to deprive of their material possessions, including physical vessels, which they already apply using secret technologies on physical vessels, about the Native Earth, about the nation in general. For this reason, Jesus says: "And at this place, the Romans built their camp." in the sense that where beings do not Honorably and Sincerely love each other, there is discord present, dogs gather there, and vultures flock there, masking themselves as "Roman authorities," which in reality do not create any real values, which do not provide any real news to the nation, so that they can gorge themselves on it: I Giardini dell'Eden (1993) ( tt0140073/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1), which is also the meaning and significance of the message from the band Lucie: (Medvídek) and music video

Unrestricted use of resources on the Star Mother Earth should be allowed ONLY to beings who RESPECT GOD'S LAWS:

Decree on Intellectual Ownership

For the reasons stated above, I affirm that false belief should be prohibited, and at the same time, such LAWS should be introduced that will PROTECT both the NATIONAL LANGUAGE and FOLKLORE, including crafts in general. The nation's borders should be HERMETICALLY SEALED to any entity that clearly did not come to this land in a spirit of humility for the purpose of learning and study, but as an envoy of foreign powers with a mindset of war and raiding in the sense of "wild dog or vulture," hungry demon, to whom nobody owes his food, if he does not truly deserve it.

Unlimited Freedom of movement should be allowed ONLY to beings who RESPECT GOD'S LAWS:

Decree on Unlimited Freedom of Movement

In this regard, it is ideal to follow ALL measures pursued and followed by the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Putin. This is related to his statements about banning the gender movement, while in the past he stated that he has nothing against gender above the age of 18 in general and adds that even in their civilization system, such individuals function and have their results beneficial to society, but children under the age of 18 will be protected from this ideology. To this I add that a child needs such protection because a child who does not yet possess the ability to care for themselves or their parents NATURALLY is not sufficiently capable of deciding whether they are one gender or another. Such a being does not naturally possess the Possibilities of Free Choice and therefore Will, and if this demonic EXTERNAL arbitrary rule is left to run free, it is left to the free course of a cause that will NATURALLY lead to consequences of chaos in the form of civil war in the future, which is a success pursued by low and external entities in terms of the internal disintegration of the state, which such entities pursue because beings deprived of TRUTH and LOVE will mistake violence for TRUTH, not LOVE, not SOLIDARITY, not MUTUAL RESPECT and DIALOGUE, therefore the LAWS OF GOD.

Regarding your statement: "A woman does not have the right to an abortion," Mr. Kuffa, I further state for those beings who do not fully understand why you make this statement, that where there is not a Full Understanding of the said, there arises a space for misunderstanding, and where such misunderstanding arises, there subsequently arises a space for anger, and where anger arises, there is no PEACE present, and where the state of PEACE is not present, there is a state of passion present, there is a state of UNREST present, there is no possibility of Clear Understanding – it is a vicious circle, from which the being can lead and unwind itself only through its own effort in terms of its own willingness and therefore effort to listen in order to understand subsequently, because ONLY where beings will confidently develop their own willingness and therefore effort to understand will the Light of Understanding be present, introduced, sown, not elsewhere.

In a general sense, people say about you that you are radical, that you do not want to allow abortions for mothers, but then you do not want to take care of those mothers, yet you claim the right to speak to those mothers about it, that you do not want to allow abortions. Here I state that by doing so, you are precisely caring for them. Why? Because such mothers who are not warned of this misstep will make it and subsequently regret it – you, in order to protect them from this subsequent remorse, are warning them in advance that they will regret it, and it is precisely these states of regret that will stain the subsequent life of that mother, if the mothers are not warned. Thus, they will be prepared by their own negligence for joy in life, according to which the subsequent life in society will appear, that is grief, anxiety, and depression. With the support of the Spiritual, it is possible to find ways to go through ANY difficult life situation so as to avoid grief, anxiety, and depression. It should be up to EVERY being because Joy in Life Is Light and the opposite is darkness. For this reason, it is ESSENTIAL for Spiritual Intelligence to Once Again Take Its Place in the Nation and Its Leadership, in collaboration with the Intelligence of others. If not, there will be NO BALANCE in the nation, there will be Light, darkness will be. The trembling voice of Mr. Kuffa in his speech is related to this realization, not something else, as superficial beings might interpret based on how they think of themselves.

You, Spiritual, are naturally radical, and it is natural because the depth of your understanding of the causes and consequences of the Spiritual pain of beings is deep, with this grief, with this anxiety and depression of mothers who acted without Spiritual Support and Assistance, you have your experiences, and that is why you appeal for a ban on abortion – what should be explained to mothers is that this ban is not here to limit them on rights and freedoms, to harm them, but precisely to be Spiritual Support and Assistance for them, to subsequently protect them from the future life in grief, anxiety, and depression, therefore from a life in darkness, which in essence cannot even be called life. A woman therefore "does not have the right to an abortion" not because a being who currently in this birth by the gender of a woman possesses her rights does not have, but because such a being who has not yet been instructed DOES NOT understand that she is a part of Almighty God, with whom she can, by ERROR through her unconscious behavior, if she is not instructed in time, come into conflict, and thus with what she herself is PART OF. Entering into this CONTRADICTION is thus a Spiritual cause that leads precisely to the consequences of life in darkness, these are the states of hell, which awakened Spiritual beings try to protect both the mother and the fetus from.

The sexual act should not be perceived as a kind of entertainment, superficial satisfaction, or gratification, but as a very deep intimate Sanctity, and likewise it should be approached especially because through it a Spiritual being can be brought from the in-between state, that is from the world of the non-material and Spiritual, into the so-called "material" world, and that is not a joke, even when bringing a being into this world is not planned, because it is precisely during the act of love that a Rare Chance for such New Birth, for New Life, for Hope for beings suffering in terms of the possible arrival of the Holy and Sublime Being, who is precisely the Lord Jesus Christ, because during the act of love and precisely through it, a lot of non-materially manifested beings from the Other World try to enter into the material world, in order to be able to gain their experiences in connection with the temporary bodily vessel, to be able to benefit other beings, and such beings, whose wishes are fervent and pure, who pray through them for the Birth of the Holy Being, their wishes are naturally fulfilled. Such a Possible Event should therefore be considered in terms of the Sanctity of the Act of Birth, as a Miracle of Life.

It is precisely through this awareness that ordinary life and the act of love become Sacred, Conscious, Miraculous, and that is also what the Lord Jesus Christ suggests to beings who are directed towards Him, in order for them to be Amazed instead of quarreling, and to Calm down... for the purpose of perceiving and becoming aware of the deeper and subtler connections of Life. Therefore, we should also consider the topic of the possible arrival of ANY being in this world as if it were a possible arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, so that we can avoid our own unconscious actions and recklessness, which we might regret later. Through the awareness of the Sanctity of the sexual act, beings can also become aware of the Sanctity of their own intimacy, and therefore also of whom they actually wish to share it with, and with whom they do not, which is essentially a very delicate work with their own discernment abilities in terms of how the being actually deals with itself and approaches itself, thus Spiritual maturation and recognition of the Sanctity of the self.

However, Spiritual beings cannot protect anyone who does not seek protection, who is not willing to ask questions to gain understanding, but the statement of the Spiritual: "You do not have the right to an abortion." is appropriate in a societal sense, because if the Spiritual does not point out the cause, as a result of which the whole society plunges into a life of grief, anxiety, and depression, this will naturally follow without the warning of the Spiritual, resulting in the entire society being in decline. Why? Due to our own indulgence in pleasures to an excessive degree, consumption, recklessness, laziness, where such extremes naturally alternate with the extremes of subsequent grief, sorrow, and depression, which are directly reflected in the level of societal unrest and thus societal turbulence. The current societal tendencies have consisted of falling into the sleep of darkness in terms of the endless tendency to take responsibility for the monstrous manners of beings, who were indeed instructed in their own Spiritual responsibility by Spiritual authorities, but who personally refused or refuse to take it on, or in their Spiritual immaturity even mock and ridicule it, thus despising themselves, and therefore also despising Spiritual development and thus Spiritual development in general, and it is precisely these tendencies to justify personal unwillingness to develop Spiritual life, that is the cause that weakens the Spiritual development of society and manifests as the consequences of chaos in future society.

EVERY being should receive this Explanation so that Understanding can be possible, not "by force", but rather, before an abortion occurs, so that such beings can be offered INSTRUCTION about the consequences, so that the Possibility of their Free Will becomes real, because if the being acts from the level of superficial understanding of their actions, they naturally do not possess Free Will. Why? If they possessed Free Will, it would NOT BE POSSIBLE for them to act in such a way that they would harm themselves in the future in terms of "consciously plunging themselves into low states of grief, sorrow, and depression". The statement to beings should be: "A woman does not have the right to an abortion." so that the question of what the right actually is arises, for the purpose of allowing the woman, who has not been taught so far, to actually consider this question, to have the opportunity to assess and consider ALL aspects of the question of abortion, as an offer of a helping hand for the Possibility of being VIGILANT, so that she can avoid future states of darkness. The work of Spiritual authority has thus been done, even under the assumption that the being, even after being TAUGHT, decides on abortion, because the information has been conveyed and the responsibility is now on them. Spiritual beings are not here to bear responsibility for mothers, or for the fathers of the fetus, Spiritual beings are here to provide such Spiritual embraces in terms of recommendations to mothers in difficult life situations, which would protect mothers who want to make life easier for themselves hastily and selfishly, from future mental states of hell, because current short-sighted solutions to ANY situations do not lead to long-term states of PEACE and TRANQUILITY. Therefore, always remember the ancient wisdom: "What is sewn with a hot needle" in terms of "quickly and hastily without deeper consideration performed", will in the future prove to be of poor quality - this applies to both the craft and Spiritual activity, because worldly activity and Spiritual activity are Connected Vessels of Life.

Later complaints from beings who were informed in advance about this and who did not heed or consider this information cannot be taken into account, because it was, they who relinquished their own responsibility, and therefore it is not possible to retrospectively transfer it to other beings, nor to Spiritual authorities.

Both the Buddhists and the Flower and Fruit of Life, Jesus Christ, who is part of the Buddhist Families, point to the fact that birth in human form is VERY rare, even though life in all its possible manifestations, apart from what we love about it, is also miserable and cruel. Here, in this "material" expression and reality, we learn precisely how to Transform that cruelty and misery into something Noble, which Life itself CHALLENGES us to elevate our senses from grief, anxiety, and depression to the POSSIBILITY of Transforming Our Life into something Noble, especially by changing and transforming our distorted inner ideas, which only follow the pleasures of the body, and thus also subsequent life attitudes, so that we become Artists of Life, just as Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ became so for us, showing us the Way to use life with consideration and balance, not to be used by life, so that we do not languish Spiritually thoughtlessly. Because spirit precedes matter, the way of leading worldly life is THEREFORE a Spiritual matter, and a Spiritual matter in terms of the Effort to Connect Oneself to the Universal Laws should become a regular CONSCIOUS practice, or yoga directed towards Eternal Life, a common practice that should be taken ABSOLUTELY SERIOUSLY and THOUGHTFULLY, not lazily and carelessly, the tendency of consuming ANY kind should not outgrow and overshadow this Spiritual endeavor and effort for a Pure Life.

Today's concept of liberalism in terms of uninhibited open-mindedness, which was not preceded by previous real capabilities of Self-Mastery, is therefore actually a path to perdition, and to those who rush into it, nothing can be done but to wave at their mad journey, because such beings will Surely Not See the Light of Enlightenment.

In addition, thanks to Jesus, we have the POSSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY to live this life and be inspired by Him without the need to undergo the same sacrifice He did, and for those who register this Discovery... it becomes a VERY Liberating Discovery, because This Discovery and Awareness itself is Light and Grace, which we all seek when we waver and stumble in darkness.

Furthermore, Mr. Kuffa, you refer to false and imposed faith: "we believed in masks and vaccines", which you compare to the plague epidemic of 1710 (which seems to have been intentionally caused, in order to multiply profits by low beings who traded in death, that is, a cluster of so-called doctors, experts, etc.), when people processed with the image of the Trnava Virgin Mary, and you appeal: "That plague miraculously fell, overnight. Where did our faith go?". To the aforementioned from a PRINCIPLED standpoint, I add that President Václav Havel kindly "upset" Mr. Dubček in 1968 for not standing up, not appealing, and not saying what should have been said, because Mr. Václav Havel was VERY WELL AWARE, compared to secularly burdened beings, that IF what should have been said was said, the following events would not have been as they were, because what is said is Illuminated and Illuminated cannot be further shrouded in darkness, at least not at that time and in this sense with regard to what you state about false faith, Mr. Reiner Fuellmich is WORKING TIRELESSLY on a Global scale.

This is also DIRECTLY related to The Book of Revelation

( which is WARNING us.

For the ordinary person, it is beyond comprehension that while they are occupied with their ordinary life, entities are striving for their life space, including the mental space for contemplation. They interpret his life and lifestyle as something inferior just because he is not a violent person, and so they automatically, robotically, cold-bloodedly, and technocratically conclude that this gives them the right to assert their positions over him (

These beings, however, do not have control over the Mother Earth Star for precisely that reason, that they do not have a Spiritual claim on it, because the Spiritual claim to govern the Element of the Mother Earth Star belongs to those beings who, in terms of Sacred Service, follow the intention and motive of benefit for ALL beings in the Element of Mother Earth Star coming together, that is the INTENTION OF MUTUAL SUPPORT and ASSISTANCE, MUTUAL RESPECT, SOLIDARITY, COOPERATION, and GLOBAL UNITY. Therefore, YOU MUST NOT succumb to the wavelength transmissions of fallen beings into darkness, because they have been given the opportunity, which they have betrayed, they have resistance to FORGIVE, PLEASE, and THANK YOU, and therefore they are now condemned to a life of poverty and misery, to fade away from this world. You must not let yourself be swayed by the weaker ones (no matter what so-called authoritative functions they hold in society), you yourselves have to SET the Rules of the New World and the Golden Age. It is a test that is meant to verify the future Spiritual authorities and stewards of the Element of Mother Earth. Those who listen will be spared from falling into the lower hellish realms in the Spiritual sense. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear... in the sense: "Those who are already spiritually mature and thus adapted to understanding and comprehending the deep meanings of this message" ( Let others be cautious and understand the need for a suitable Spiritual guide, and those who wish for their own downfall by mistake should be respected in their decision, because a certain fall primarily concerns beings who suffer from the conviction that they are favored by the predator, which as they will find out plays a cruel game with them. The predator is the first to sacrifice itself when they become unnecessary.

Following President Václav Havel, with whom I am in contact through super-sensory communication, you are therefore the Second being in the line, whom precisely due to your conscious Sacred Service for the benefit of ALL other beings in this your Last Birth I designate as a Being of Light, that is a Saint, that is a being who is the Patron of the Nations of the Mother Earth Star, and on this occasion I also designate you as the Patron of the Nations of the Mother Earth Star for the same qualities and Virtues as President and founder Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.

In connection with the above, I, Mr. Kuffa, as a trustworthy Patron of the Nations of Mother Earth, call on you to continue Opening Paths to Leading Dialogue, especially with the Spiritual beings operating in the so-called Czech Republic, which as you well know, from a Spiritual perspective, is Still a Part of Czechoslovakia for the reason that 70% of the citizens of Czechoslovakia were AGAINST the division, 15% were for it, and 15% were indifferent. This means that from the perspective of Spiritual activity and thus Spiritual Laws, Czechoslovakia is NOT divided, President Václav Havel also DID NOT AGREE with this division, and those who today use his name and legacy for the presentation of their activities and at the same time do not contribute to the REUNIFICATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA are not acting in the national interest. At the same time, it should be noted that if, from the side of dark, low, and demonic forces, it has been achieved, or attempted to achieve, that the nation in the Spiritual sense has been attacked, and invaded, and thus actually broken against its will, and destabilized, then in such a nation and the individuals in it violence is committed, in such a nation there is currently no room for the exercise of the Free Will of beings who, in the Spiritual sense of the word, are the heirs of this nation after their ancestors, in such a nation it is NOT REALISTIC until the MOMENT OF RECTIFICATION for beings to truly prosper. Your Honorable and Sincere work in terms of Spiritual Support and Assistance for the purpose of putting national governance matters in order is therefore not only justified but also absolutely necessary.

Marta Kubišová – Prayer for Marta (1989)

If, in connection with my expressions, recognition, and calls, Mr. Kuffa, you encounter questioning of your person or the Divine Order as such, as evidence of the significance and therefore the authenticity of what I communicate, let EVERYONE who faces their own doubts (and thus projects them onto other beings) be served by an easily verifiable question: "Have you ever encountered a clearer explanation of the nature of reality in your life than the one provided, both in this and at the end of this message? If yes, show it to me, even physically the one who is its author, I will gladly communicate with them for the purpose of putting the state of affairs of this nation and the world in connection with the Divine Order in order. If not, it means that no such authority is physically present, the authority currently is the one who Acts in accordance with the Divine Order and thus in Union, and it is ideal for you to strive for your own understanding in the interest of yourself and all of us, and instead of unnecessary agony, also contribute with your willingness to Sacred Service." – this is the SEAL OF AUTHENTICITY.

From this, it is better apparent with Whom I DIRECTLY communicate supernaturally, with Whom I DIRECTLY discuss all questions in the sense of which BENEFIT TO ALL beings here in the Element of Mother Earth coming together, with Whom I am DIRECTLY Guided and Whom I DIRECTLY Represent, namely the Buddhist Families.

May ALL beings Realize Their Own Original State of Buddha !

Lumír Láska 💜 Buddha Maitreya



The supramental world exists, to which the Entire World in the Spiritual sense should take a stance, because IT IS THIS that should change the current way of perceiving the function of the world from "a place to be exploited by unaware entities" to "a temporarily experienced lesson and opportunity for learning", which should then lead to Peace and Tranquility in the World, thus to the Era of the Golden Age, the Paradise on Mother Earth.

Right now, Here, in This Golden Age, for those ready, the end of all suffering caused by war, the end of all diseases, the end of aging, the end of dying, and all other troubles associated with loss and separation...

July 01, 2023, The office of the candidate for President of the Czech Republic, Lumír Láska, Buddha Maitreya sent a letter to the office of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

All governments of the world were informed of this facton 10.07. – 13.07.2023.

November 27, 2023 Open Letter to President Pavel

@prezidentpavel @RobertFico @PutinDirect 

Lumír Láska responds to the post of President Pavel

November 30, 2023 Reaction to Open Letter for Czech president Pavel

December 06, 2023 Buddha on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day, confirmed the Enthronement of Christ in Slovakia.

January 26, 2024 FREE ENERGY 💎

Thanks to the currently Available and Understandable Knowledge of the Buddhas, beings NO LONGER HAVE to undergo the agony and suffering caused by war.

The End of Karma - Eternal Life

I love You - I Grant You Grace

Heart of Dharma or Guide to The Self

Thus Have I Heard

Unification of Christian and Buddhist views on the nature of Reality,

part one and two:

01.01.2022 CHRIST IS A BUDDHA I - Happy Golden Age

FULL MOVIE Christ is a Buddha I

17.11.2022 CHRIST is BUDDHA II - In the beginning was the Word

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (series)

Evidence of the nature of President Václav Havel and his respect for God's Laws, and thus for the UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE, otherwise cooperation with GOD'S ORDER. Excerpts from the article

"In November, he placed a statue of Saint Joseph by the door. Saint Joseph is the patron of a good death." - The origin and significance of Václav Havel's activity is highlighted by the fact that he was very well aware that it is necessary to ensure a quality transition to the stage of passage, that is, to be in harmony with Spiritual Authorities, which cannot be rushed at the last moment; the entire life must reflect this.

"The Foundation of the Church of Saint Anne - 'It was his idea - to repair that church.'" - Mrs. Dagmar comments.

"To the question of LN ( 'Have you ever talked about death or the funeral?' Mrs. Dagmar responds: 'About death in terms of what comes after life on this earth, yes.'

"And the strength it gave me was that I strongly felt Václav's presence in the Castle." - Mrs. Dagmar comments on her extrasensory perception that what Mr. Havel was, was no longer in the body, but spiritually present in the castle.

"I started thinking about how we would dignifiedly transport Václav from the Church of St. Anne to the Prague Castle. The journey to the Castle probably came to me because there used to be the St. Lawrence Rotunda at the site of the Church of St. Anne. According to legend, a requiem mass was held there for St. Wenceslas, and his friends then carried his body across the ford to St. Vitus Cathedral. And I realized that we could take the same path." - Mrs. Dagmar comments.

"Organizing helped me not to completely collapse. I also went to church a lot, and especially at night, I secretly went to St. Anne's for Václav, because I could not detach myself from him. I understood that Václav was no longer in that body when we transferred him to a zinc coffin before the journey to the Castle. In the cathedral, I was even briefly overcome by a sense of peace. I knew that Vašek's soul was already taken care of." - Mrs. Dagmar comments on her extrasensory perception that what Mr. Havel was, was no longer present in the body.

To the above, I add that President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, who consulted directly with the Almighty and conversed with Him, naturally possessed the same Spiritual awareness of questions of deeper Spiritual meaning and significance. I state this because today's so-called leadership in connection with the PRINCIPLES OF GOD'S ORDER in terms of Higher Spiritual Power DOES NOT EXIST, and because IT DOES NOT EXIST, the situation also appears accordingly. Proof of this is essentially EVERY expression of 'prioritizing private-economic interests over social-community interests'."

Dear readers,

yesterday, the day before the state funeral of the late Václav Havel, the evening newspaper Insider published an authentic text obtained by its editorial staff from Sister Veritas Holíková. She was, alongside President's wife Dagmar, one of the two women who were, according to a brief official report, by the side of the first President of the Czech Republic when he passed away. now, with Sister Veritas's consent, offers a glimpse into a few immediate lines that were written at the President's bedside shortly after his passing, serving as a symbolic farewell to Václav Havel.

A Farewell to Václav Havel, composed at the deathbed by the Boromean sister Sister Veritas Holíková. She was with the President in the moments of his passing.

Hrádeček, December 19, 2023

I had the undeserved privilege of keeping vigil on the night of December 18th to 19th, 2011, beside the bed of the late President Václav Havel at Hrádeček. During that unforgettable night, my mind was filled with the strongest memories of him – very old and completely recent.

I was an 18-year-old student when I first saw him with my own eyes as the president on the balcony of the third castle courtyard on December 29, 1989, amidst a jubilant crowd, when true and unbelievable hope for a free life opened up to us. Little did I know that we would personally meet many years later, when I returned home to Bohemia as a Boromean sister this summer after years of studying in Italy. My first task back in the Czech Republic was to help care for our first democratic president, who was considerably aged and ill. So, we met for the first time on July 20, 2011, at Hrádeček, and every day I saw how this greatly weakened man still carried the same dignity of a polite and humbly shy philosopher who was not afraid to talk about death, just as he never stopped believing in often-dismissed ideals of Truth and Love.

Yet, at the same time, he loved the people around him, and it was never burdensome for him to repeatedly ask for something and express gratitude as his physical strength waned. However, the greatest lesson I received came one August, when the President came up with the idea that we would roast a wild boar for his personal doctor, so he would have something for lunch and also see his progress in rehabilitation. To my initial objections about the lack of time and experience in how to actually do it, he simply and politely replied that when he was first elected president, he did everything for the first time and often had no idea how – so why couldn't we figure out how to roast a wild boar, something he, like me, had also never done before. The "wild boar with sage" will forever remain the most precious life lesson I received from him.

I had the undeserved honor to serve you, Mr. President, when I saw with my own eyes how bravely and knowingly you approached death and at the same time a new life, of which we all have only a vague understanding. And now, I am even more convinced that the Lord God is with you – forever, as you sincerely wished, Mr. President, when you bid farewell to us with the same words: "May the Lord be with us..." Sr. Veritas Holíková, SCB.

The poem "SAINT WENCESLAS" included in the poetry collection "PURE HEART" published by Lumír Láska in 2016:


SAINT WENCESLAS In the cold land...

in the Highest Meaning, which does not defend itself...

about the Beautiful Noble Truth and Love...

your warm Lion Heart... beats constantly...

and speaks to the dead people...

who stand out with their own peculiarities...

namely that in You... it finds its own dirt...

You, despite all the smudged malice of garden gnomes without a stain of guilt, do not care

about anything...

you beat FOREVER and continue to live in brave hearts...

through the heart area, you indicate the true Reason and Meaning...

for that... Wenceslas, I love You...

for that... Havel, I acknowledge You...

and I am grateful to You... for who you are...

I will remain faithful to You... nothing will change that...

I bow to Your feet... and I kiss your feet...

I am not ashamed of Your sincere Courage!

With the boldness equal to Yours...

when you allow it... and even when you don't...

Wenceslas... Havel...

as a saint... I declare you

Saint Wenceslas... Duke of Our Hearts...

For the purpose of expanding awareness:

To spiritual authorities, authorities in the realm of cultural influence, the government and institutions of the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic, political movements in the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic, media outlets as deemed appropriate, institutions as deemed appropriate, and other contacts, both domestic and foreign, as deemed appropriate. This message, intended to elevate spiritual awareness, is meant for free distribution.