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Kancelář duchovní autority a kandidáta na prezidenta ČR Lumíra Lásky, Buddhy Maitreyi zaslala dne 8.3.2023 do SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) "Výzvu k celosvětovému míru".
Zároveň o tom dne 9.3. 2023 informovala státy BRICS (Brazílii, Rusko, Indii, Činu, Jihoafrickou Republiku) a ve dnech 10. a 11.3.2023 toto bylo oznámeno také všem vládám evropských států, Islandu, kavkazských států Gruzie, Azerbajdžánu, Arménie, dále Turecku, Bhútánu.
Dear Mr. Dan Smith,
Dear SIPRI-Team,
Dear Friends of Peace,
allow us first to express our profound esteem and respect for all your contributions which you carry out with motivation, which is in the interest of all other beings.
Thank you for your involvement in humanitarian and community activities that contribute to the creation of ENVIRONMENT OF PEACE.
In the context of your objectives as A DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE, it is necessary for me to draw your attention to a fact and a reality that is already known internationally, namely that:
On 23.7.2022, Mr. Lumír Láska, the Awakened One, who claims to be Buddha Maitreya – the last Buddha of this age, announced his candidacy for the presidential election in one of the states on Planet Mother Earth, in the Czech Republic, whose election program calls for WORLDWIDE PEACE.
Mr. Lumír Láska announced his candidacy for the presidency of the Czech Republic in order to make available and mediate to all beings without distinction the FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE that leads to the END OF SUBJECTIVE CONFLICTS in every single being, in order to make available to every single being the possibility of ABSOLUTE FREEDOM, in order to enable each of the beings to end the recurrent reincarnation here on Mother Earth.
Mr. Lumír Láska explains to us with great effort that there is an PLANET-WIDE AWAKENING, and he explains to us with great effort that GLOBAL VIOLENCE is related to UNKNOWLEDGE at the level of individuals and subjectivities, which due to the absence of KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUDDHAS, i.e., due to the absence of the impossibility of stepping out of the reincarnation cycle of the birth-death-samsara wheel, manifest externally at the level of conflicts, namely at the level of family relations, neighbourhood relations, state and international relations. From this perspective, HE GIVES US THE ANSWERS FOR WORLDWIDE PEACE.
Mr. Lumír Láska gives us information about the possibility of stepping out of the wheel of birth and death - samsara, and THROUGH THIS IT IS POSSIBLE TO FIND PEACE AND TRANQUILITY ON SUBJEKTIVE LEVEL, which then naturally at the level of relationships is manifested in the external world. In fact, it is by understanding the function of the reincarnation cycle that the beings of the world will realize that until now it has not been realistically possible for them not to freely choose, resulting in an awakened world free of all warfare and thus naturally a situation of world peace. With this understanding, the world will be governed with love for it and for the beings in it, i.e. without violence, a governance based on the principle of non-violence, as opposed to the hitherto one-sided governance. The CURRENT world in which other beings wish to secure advantages also against themselves, when this level of spiritual Unknowledge DIRECTLY RELATES to the continuous tendency to wage and instigate wars at the level of social relations, to which economic relations are directly related, both at the local, international and UNIVERSAL level.
The most important thing about Mr. Láska's message is that whoever understands his teachings, the teachings of the Buddhas, for him it is possible to attain peace and tranquillity. None of the beings who have not yet understood the reincarnation cycle... not has it any choice but to live its life as a "war" in the sense of "waging an economic struggle for survival"... But can such a "life" be called at all a life worthy of Man as a Human being? What can we do together for these beings? The answer is easy. Every being needs to convey THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUDDHA, which Mr. Láska communicates to today's world in an understandable language, i.e. mental transcendence of the reincarnation cycle of birth and death – samsara, as Mr. Láska already informed the entire government in the Czech Republic during his candidacy.
The essential thing about Mr. Láska's message is that a global awakening will change the social climate.
Mr. Láska informed all deputies and senators of the Czech Republic, all European deputies, the entire backbone of worldly power and also the BRICS countries about his candidacy for president, to offer them the opportunity to support him in establishing global peace. These documents summarize everything; THE CAUSES OF THE WARS AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. The cause is UNKNOWLEDGE of the cycle of repeated reincarnations and therefore UNKNOWLEDGE that we ourselves are the creators of the environment of peace or the environment of wars. The consequence of this cause of UNKNOWLEDGE is conflict and war. The solution, therefore, is the mediation of the KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUDDHAS. These documents are a cover for global peace. . I apologize that at the moment I cannot send you these documents translated into English. I hereby request you, in your interest and in the interest of all beings, to translate these documents without delay and thus promote the growth of spiritual evolution and the GOLDEN AGE, which is a TRANSFORMATIONAL POINT for the entire planet.
Thus, not only for the above reasons, for the first time in the history of this world, the era of the Golden Age in the sense of ending the karma of all nations and further subsequent evolutionary development on the global level, in which Mr. Lumír Láska - Buddha Maitreya plays an indispensable role of a spiritual unifier. Mr. Lumír Láska can also be described as a defender of the rights of ALL beings without distinction (including you), who, as a representative of the World Peace Movement, by his exemplary actions opens up the possibility of a World Peace Conference, thus making the VISION of World Peace real and at the same time fulfilling it. Here his CHALLENGE FOR WORLDWIDE PEACE:
Every being who is subject to Unknowledge (that is, the absence of the Knowledge of the Buddhas) is subject to the tendencies of Envy and Jealousy. Such a being who is subject to the tendencies of Envy and Jealousy is subject to the tendencies of Greed. Such a being who is subject to the inclinations of Greed is subject to the inclinations of Hatred, which he carries in his HEART just by virtue of his own subjective Unknowledge (that is KARMA). Such a being, who carries Hate in his HEART, is subject to tendencies to start, conduct and maintain conflicts at the level of family, neighbourhood, national and international relations. From the above it is clear that in order to establish World Peace, a clear interpretation of the Knowledge of the Buddhas is needed. This Knowledge is available here now, in this Golden Age:
English version HERE: The End of Karma – Eternal Life by Buddha Maitreya - YouTube
Heart of Dharma or Guide to the Self - Maitreya Buddha - YouTube
Golden Age means the time for conflict has passed, and the human species of which we are a part can move on to a higher stage of its evolution.
I suggest to you, based on what you are involved in (DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE=spiritual Evolution), that the above should not escape your attention.
Beings are free to accept or reject his teaching and wisdom of all Buddhas, but only those who take responsibility to learn to live in peace will after that pass to the higher realms of SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION; the realm of happiness. Simple it is not possible for someone who is not happy and who is lonely at heart to be able to ensure a happy future for our humanity from the level of his subjective state of mind. Each of the beings takes its own responsibility based on this awareness. That means challenge for all authorities representative of all nations. We are aware, both you and me, also that there are many unhappy guides at present operating on our world. To them it is necessary to convey KNOWLEDGE. Because such beings who have realized their own wisdom (= the realm of happiness), such beings are examples of the authorities who are to lead the world to the Light. As Mr. Lumír Láska writes into his book MAITREYA BUDDHA SUTRA or EMPTINESS ... MOTHER OF THE HEIRS TO IMMORTALITY,here link:Maitreya Buddha Sutra or Emptiness... Mother of The Heirs to Immortality : Láska Buddha Maitreya, Lumír: Amazon.de: Bücher : "The new representative of authority is not a rich man, not a poor man, but one who, regardless of the idea of "wealth", is a Happy man, and indeed a Happy man is a man Endowed with wisdom. If a community follows authorities that are not subject to suffering, it is a community that follows the purpose of its own Happiness, and vice versa."
Consider also the distance to this ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE in the karmic context of cause and effect. Let us set the world peace together. I know that you will understand because I did not and now I do. With this understanding and wishing you to understand too I pass you possibility to be unconditionally happy which also means peace for all beings.
Thank you for your attention.
Do you suppose, as we do, that the awakened being, the Buddha, should encourage discussion of all social issues? The Buddha will give you the ultimate solution worthy of all beings.
For closer cooperation in terms of arranging a meeting, questions, lecture or any other direct contact with Mr. Láska, you are welcome to contact me by email alena.louckova@gmail.com or srdcedharmy@outlook.com or at this phone number: +49 (0) 172 955 39 83
I look forward to further cooperation with you.
With love and respect
Mgr. Alena Loučková
Representive of Heart of Dharma Sangha
May happiness, love, respect, mutual esteem and supportive friends be your constant companions during this time of GLOBAL CHALLENGE.
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