Tisková prohlášení / Press release
Open Letter to Czech president Pavel
Dear President Pavel,
Thank you for your speech; I wholeheartedly agree with you. I especially appreciate your intention to allocate increased attention to education, science, and research in the government budget for the year 2024 because society as a whole depends on them. I have already shared with Mr. Zbyněk Stanjura and his followers that current secular education, considering the collective evolutionary development of humanity, has become rather subordinate. Why? Allow me, Mr. President, to solemnly point out that the nature of reality is non-material - this fact inevitably changes the ENTIRE understanding of reality as "matter." And precisely this situation, along with the technological advancements bestowed upon us by the Higher Beings of Light, must inevitably change the order of the world, in which we all collectively find ourselves right now in this Golden Age.
Surely, you yourself have noticed that people seem to be losing their way, as our Slovak brothers say, "lose their heads" This is not a joke; reality is very much merciless and unforgiving to each of us, and to withstand this pressure as a civilization, it is necessary to seriously reflect on it. If not, the whole system will collapse uncontrollably into itself and self-destruct, literally grinding itself and everyone who refuses to face and seriously address this challenge.
As you know, we have already informed President Putin and other governments of the world about this situation. For the same purpose, now officially and selflessly and FREE OF CHARGE, we also offer our helping hand to you, or rather through you, if your team deems it appropriate. We aim to provide ESSENTIAL spiritual guidance and support for the entire society, with the members of the Sangha HEART of DHARMA. The goal is to collectively withstand this very challenging period of spiritual Ascension. I would like to add for certainty that this concerns ALL beings, so it is in the interest of civilization for the Knowledge of the Buddhas to reach as many beings as possible.
To achieve this, I need you to risk your position and social status because without your risk and subsequent trust, and the subsequent verification that I am trustworthy, and then your support, this process cannot proceed as promised, providing a profoundly transformative experience for you as well.
I also sincerely offer to communicate and resolve all diplomatic discrepancies with the outside world to calm the international situation so that we are all okay. I give you my word as a Buddha that I will do my utmost for EVERY SINGLE being.
You surely know that advanced civilizations with Extrasensory Perception cannot do without the FULL COOPERATION of the government and the spiritual leaders. The stumbling block may lie in a government that refuses to admit it or in spiritual advisors of questionable quality on which such a government relies. I don't mean any harm or personal offense, but to make it clearer, it needs to be named and communicated. I am not seeking a dispute, only COLLABORATION.
Therefore, I earnestly and seriously request from you, on behalf of ALL beings of this world, if you consider my proposal, to work with your team on questions of any kind that we will address on the spiritual level with all due care. We will be fully at your disposal to collectively avoid the worst scenarios.
IF we go through this process, then as the Last Buddha of this Age, I can guarantee that we will ALL experience prosperity unlike anything this world has seen before and which is beyond the scope of ordinary worldly understanding. Please be our honorable support in this, as the president.
Wishing you all the best and thanking you for everything you are going through in these challenging times.
With Love and Respect,
Your Lumír Láska ♥ Buddha Maitreya
Right now, Here, in This Golden Age, for the prepared, the end of all suffering caused by war, the end of all disease, the end of aging, the end of dying and all other sufferings associated with loss and separation…
On 01.07. 2023, the office of the candidate for President of the Czech Republic, Lumír Láska, Buddha Maitreya sent a letter to the office of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin:
Absolute Knowledge for Whole World 🙏🍀💜
#buddha #dharma #sangha #gautama #jesus #goldenage
https://srdcenahrad.webnode.cz/christ-is-buddha/ ✝️
https://srdcenahrad.webnode.cz/christ-is-buddha-ii/ ✝️
Happy Golden Age 🕊️💜🌍
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