Press release
END of the Age of Faith – END of This Age – END of This Eon – BEGINNING of the Golden Age of Enlightenment
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On 6. 6. 2024, THE POINT OF BREAKTHROUGH OCCURRED. In the sense of COLLECTIVE KARMA of mankind beings are now WIDELY REGISTERING and becoming aware of what Nikola Tesla stated:
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
Described in more detail here in this book: Ask and It Is given by the authors: Esther and Jerry Hicks.
This means the END of the belief in the concept of "physical bodies" and thus the END of perceiving the "world and beings in it" as "something solid" and "something tangible."
Since the concept of "matter" is DIRECTLY RELATED to the concept of "time," the END of the belief in "physical bodies" also means the END of the belief in "time."
Since the concept of "time" is DIRECTLY RELATED to the concept of "the planet's calendar," the END of the belief in "time" also means the END of This Age... and thus the END of This Eon... and thus the BEGINNING of the Golden Age of Enlightenment – meaning that EACH of the beings will AWAKEN to the State of Buddha.
This means that you are not "this physical body," you are not "matter." You are not "material," you are CONSTANTLY PRESENT energy, and if you are currently in a bodily shell, you are CONSTANTLY PRESENT energy manifested in the bodily shell.
This will COMPLETELY and FUNDAMENTALLY change the quality of your lives once and for all. Why? Because the concept of a "solid body" is ASSOCIATED with the concept of "fear of its destruction"... just as the concept of a "solid world" is ASSOCIATED with the concept of "fear of losing one's home" and the energy spent on "defending and protecting the solid place" or the inclination to "exploit resources" and thus destroy homes in the sense of "solid places" for other beings. The subjective concept of "solid" (whether it is "this body" or "this planet") therefore means subjective conflict, and subjective Buddha Enlightenment means Peace and Grace. The widespread concept of "solid" therefore means widespread conflict and a period of darkness, and Widespread Buddha Enlightenment means Peace and Grace for the Globally Shared Spiritual Realm.
CHANGE will occur without you even noticing, because the TRANSFORMATION process is triggered the moment you subjectively register it – This Blessing in you has initiated the PROCESSES of this spiritual CHANGE. Although these processes may initially seem challenging (more sensitive individuals are already registering and going through them), remain CALM, do not fear them, and realize that for beings who consider "solid" as real, it is natural to have the "habit of fearing the solid." Instead of unnecessary fears, focus on the fact that with the realization that "solid is not actually solid," you gradually stop fearing the concept of "death," which you previously MISTAKENLY considered as "certainty," which you MISTAKENLY "wished to have," so you could paradoxically "have something to fear." In other words, this "false certainty" and "insistence on it" means for beings who insist on it a state of CONSTANT FEAR, and this is simply something you no longer WANT… and thus, as an UNNECESSARY relic, you are now COLLECTIVELY DISCARDING it with your AWARENESS.
Linear way of perceiving life:
At the moment of THIS TRANSFORMATION, you also STOP perceiving your life as a dimension of the concept "from birth to the laying down of the bodily shell" and thus LINEARLY. This CHANGE in your perception will cause you to STOP PLAYING the VERY CRUEL GAME that "you cannot afford to be happy now, because you must first destroy yourself to UNREASONABLY deserve your happiness." Why? Because you are now beginning to realize that NO ACTIVITY can ACHIEVE ANY happiness, and that such a way actually PREVENTS you from being happy, because in this concept of a "linearly bounded frame," you MISTAKENLY believe that you "MUST at all costs enjoy as much as possible," thereby forcing yourself and your neighbors (due to your previous belief in "matter and time") into haste, in which you try to enjoy all the pleasures of the world and thereby create ENORMOUS MENTAL PRESSURE on yourself and your neighbors… and thus, due to your own ignorance, ACCUMULATE negative KARMA... and the negative consequences associated with it. This exchange and GAME of "retribution" can now END… and you can now realize that if this way does not lead to happiness, YOU CAN ALLOW YOURSELF to be HAPPY WITHOUT REASON IMMEDIATELY. At the same time, you realize that such beings, to whom the Knowledge of the Buddhas has not been mediated, HAVE NO OTHER OPTION but to continue to employ themselves unnecessarily and unhappily with karmic burdens.
Vertical way of perceiving life:
At this moment, you begin to FULLY REALIZE that whether you currently inhabit this temporary bodily shell or not, you yourselves are the EXCLUSIVE OWNERS of the Original State of Buddha, which no one "provides" to you, and no one can "take" from you. Your OWN AWARENESS of your OWN ORIGINAL STATE of Buddha means your OWN and INDEPENDENT IMMORTALITY and thus INDEPENDENCE. This AWARENESS also MEANS THE MAIN and FUNDAMENTAL fact that you begin to perceive your life instead of the previous concept of "linear" as VERTICAL. In the language of the Buddhas, this means your RAISED KUNDALINI ENERGY and thus the confirmation of your UPRIGHT SPINE, which is the opposite of beings previously occupied with the animal world, which DO NOT YET HAVE the capacity to register and understand this. This means the END of the SLEEP of the Sleeping Beauties and the BEGINNING of the state of AWAKENESS. This AWAKENESS means the END of ALL mental obstacles and limitations… and this AWAKENESS therefore means an ABSOLUTE CHANGE from the previous negative setting of "NO" to the Light of the Knowledge of the Buddhas "YES".
For your better understanding of the significance of THIS EXCEPTIONAL EVENT of the END of THIS EON and for your deeper realization that despite all your life's difficulties and obstacles, you were NEVER ABANDONED by the LOVE of the Buddhas… I state that the Suitable Moment for the Last Birth of the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA, was carefully planned 100,000 years ago, so that you too could become Buddhas… and the FUNDAMENTAL INDICATOR for the SUITABLE CHOICE of this Term was that beings in this area would have an upright spine, which is the BASIC NECESSITY for the Knowledge of the Buddhas not only to be registered but also to be understood and for your OWN BUDDHA ENLIGHTENMENT to be realized.
King Sudhódhana:
"Yes, we all must die... and be reborn... and die again... and be reborn again, and die again, and so on endlessly... No one can escape this fate..."
Prince Siddhartha:
"So that is my task... I will change that fate… Father..."
Thus, Have I Heard - The Story of GAUTAMA BUDDHA:
To all beings who have not yet received the Knowledge of the Buddhas, let it be a comfort that one of you Buddhas will go for them, just as the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA, went for us… without whom it would not be possible for us to communicate on this topic now.
Because with the above-mentioned awareness, you will gradually realize that if you only repeatedly lay down the bodily shell to reincarnate repeatedly… as Immortal Beings, you are also Indestructible Beings… and this is directly related to your CERTAINTY that you cannot be destroyed… and therefore, it is also impossible for anyone who may have previously committed violence against you to avoid you in the future. I ASK YOU FOR ENORMOUS FORGIVENESS towards the Unaware beings. I do not say "endure violence," I say, confront them instead of anger with the TRUTH of Buddha Enlightenment and the TRUTH of REPEATED encounters with you… and at the same time, realize that they are currently going through a phase that we went through before them... and I REPEAT… if it were not for the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA, and His Root Teacher, the Noble Buddha Dipankara, and other equally Significant Buddhas, we would not be able to register or understand this message now.
With this awareness, you are now coming into contact with the Pure Force of Your HEALTHY Self-Consciousness… and I ASK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR ENORMOUS RESPECT AND AWARENESS that the beings who previously engaged in inappropriate behavior towards you had no other option… but to succumb to their own Ignorance and previous WEAKNESSES… and perhaps betrayed and hurt you… and similarly, you had no other option... and therefore, you also repaid them in an inappropriate manner. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... with this UNDERSTANDING, now control your passions and thus yourself and your own destructive power, mainly for your own sake. Do so by FOCUSING ON BETTER tomorrows, on the Immortal ones, where there is ABUNDANCE and RECIPROCITY and PROSPERITY… where tears no longer flow, because the pain of KARMA is approaching its COMPLETE EXHAUSTION thanks to the Grace of the Buddhas.
Depeche Mode – Broken:
With your awareness of the aforementioned, it is also related that with the released mental capacity (thanks to the CHANGE in perceiving your life from a "linear" to a "horizontal" way), you will gain a previously unseen STRENGTH and MAINLY the SCOPE of CREATIVE POTENTIAL... because where there is no "fear of death," the Mental Capacity is RELEASED…, which is directly related to the RELEASE of the Possibility of Unlimited Generation of Unlimited Abundance for the Entire World… and thus the Possibility of Paradise on Earth for ALL… All THIS Thanks to the Grace of ALL the Buddhas.
This means that beings who have not processed their personal and thus subjective traumas are internally wounded and torn apart… and according to this subjective setting as suffering from their own subjective DISHARMONY, they use their current material influence to cause the disruption of their own civilizations and cultures, instead of following the HARMONY between them… and thus GLOBAL HARMONY. Step out of your comfortable comfort and confront them with the TRUTH of Buddha Enlightenment... and at the same time, realize that they are currently going through a phase that we went through before them... they DO NOT have accumulated enough Good Merits to register and truly understand the Knowledge of the Buddhas… even though they may technically understand it, they LACK their own subjective quality of LOVING KINDNESS… and they do not realize that their own subjective indifference means their own subjective fear of poverty… and their own subjective consideration means COEXISTENCE and the resulting states of SAFETY and LOVE.
Because with the NEWLY RELEASED MENTAL CAPACITY, your responsibility for your own karmic footprint also INCREASES in DIRECT PROPORTION. I WARN you again to have HUMILITY towards this KNOWLEDGE and not to use and thus misuse your NEWLY RELEASED MENTAL CAPACITY in an INAPPROPRIATE way – that is, to accumulate material assets at the expense of the suffering of other beings…, because this potential also allows for this… and with the SAME DEGREE and thus STRENGTH, you would also accumulate NEGATIVE consequences of your own KARMA... which would mean incomplete understanding of the message, as is the case with the karmic history of beings who have betrayed the Knowledge of the Buddhas to their own detriment. Do not forget that KNOWLEDGE MUST ALWAYS BE ACCOMPANIED by your own personal Loving Kindness and thus your own Willingness to Sacred Service to the PRINCIPLE OF TRUTH about LOVE for your neighbor… all with regard to avoiding unnecessary negative future consequences of KARMA.
FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in the sense of understanding and perceiving personal power:
This is related to the fact that beings who have not yet FULLY realized their Own Buddha Enlightenment MISTAKENLY consider the concepts of "physical strength and thus violence" against their neighbors (which eventually turns AGAINST them) as the concept of "power." If such beings FULLY realized their Own Buddha Enlightenment, it would not be possible for them to commit violence against themselves and their neighbors... Why? Because if they FULLY realized their Own Buddha Enlightenment, they would certainly wish to be born into a world (meaning the Buddha Field) where they would find PEACE and HARMONY, but because they did not have this opportunity before, they had no other option but to adapt to what was considered "normal" in a particular area... and this "normal" is derived from the level at which beings do not FULLY realize their Own Buddha Enlightenment, which naturally follows that they DO NOT ACT VOLUNTARILY, because they do not know other ways of their own behavior, and IF they do not know, they are POWERLESS, because IF they knew other ways of behavior, they would naturally participate in such a level of cultural environment where they would not have to engage in the dominant concept of "power," which is subsequently redeemed by the Life Energy of such beings spent on building "protective barriers" against the beings they previously harmed, which is the opposite of the possibility of devoting themselves to RECIPROCITY and thus GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT of ABUNDANCE.
This, among other things, means that such beings who have not yet released their mental capacity due to their own spiritual UNCLEANLINESS cannot generate RECIPROCITY and thus ABUNDANCE… and this means they have no other option but to "steal" in the sense of "making claims" on the intellectual property accumulated by beings who devote themselves to RECIPROCITY and COOPERATION… It should be known that such beings, due to their own spiritual UNCLEANLINESS, do not have control over their own aggression and this means they cannot really control themselves… and the method of aggression they justify as a "legitimate" way of coercing other beings is essentially DESPERATION and not "free will" and therefore nothing that would help them resolve their own subjective crisis in the long term… And IF they do not admit their own MISTAKE, it will not be possible to spiritually CLEANSE and HEAL this deep spiritual TRAUMA… and IF this is not possible… they will not achieve PEACE and HARMONY and thus their own subjective happiness… From the above, it follows that the subjective happiness of any being DIRECTLY relates to your choice of who should or should not be an authority for you.
A completely fundamental discovery is that if the "World and Beings in it" occur on a subjective level in the concepts of beings, then those beings who realize this and can control their thinking also control reality… both their own and that of beings who cannot control their own thinking. And then, that honesty does not get you far…
The quality of how a being subjectively experiences itself, whether irritated or calm, determines the external social environment, including the climate and weather (the subjective mood of beings creates the weather). Therefore, it is not that "climate change is happening, and we are in a bad situation." It is about the simple failure to take responsibility due to ignorance, where the reality is much more straightforward: as we can control the weather within us, so is the weather outside.
Ruling Intelligence:
This means that LEGISLATION in the sense of FURTHER DIRECTION of GLOBAL KARMA should be based on KNOWLEDGE and not on its opposite… because if the FURTHER DIRECTION of COLLECTIVE KARMA were to be based on IGNORANCE, it would mean decline and not ASCENT. LAWS should NOT be enforced by IGNORANT beings, but by beings who already POSSESS the Knowledge of the Buddhas…but at the same time, these should be beings SO MATURE that they have DEVELOPED LOVING KINDNESS towards ALL other beings along with this Knowledge… because IF this condition were not met, it would certainly twist back into the misuse of this Knowledge, by which such beings who misuse it would harm only themselves, which would essentially mean children playing with matches on a haystack…, which need to be protected before they get burned, for which ordinary diplomacy and education are NOT ENOUGH.
TOTAL CHANGE in the perception of "property":
With the above, it is related that IF the concept of "material property" is ASSOCIATED with the concept of "subjective happiness," it means that the tendency to accumulate material property is MISTAKENLY considered a "path to happiness," but such behavior itself does not lead to happiness. The only possible end to one's own painful journey for happiness, which does not lead to happiness... is the realization that by laying down this temporary bodily shell, NONE of the beings DIE and REPEATEDLY incarnate into the bodily shell to REPEATEDLY experience the experience of incarnation… because a being who does not realize this MISTAKENLY engages in a FIGHT for survival where there is no need to fight for survival.
This also relates to the fact that the tendency to "capture other beings" or to "secure a place" as a "territory" is only a mental tendency, because such behavior and tendencies exist only as a concept on the subjective level of a being that succumbs to IGNORANCE…, and which therefore succumbs to territorial behavior and actions… thus animalistic and instinctual behavior.
The new property is therefore the KNOWLEDGE of how to be "mentally better" on a subjective level, which is possible ONLY under the condition of CONSCIOUS development of RECIPROCITY with other beings…
This means an ABSOLUTE CHANGE in understanding the world and thus a TURN from a material and thus warlike setting in connection with the struggle for resources… TO the realization of the spiritual and thus NON-MATERIAL and thus energetic nature of reality…, in which beings FULLY realize that their MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE is THEIR ATTENTION and FREE WILL to whom or what they will devote it… just as they realize that on the level of THEIR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS, they cannot continue in hostility towards themselves and other beings, because this is INCOMPATIBLE with achieving their own subjective happiness.
The newly preferred wealth is therefore the achieved spiritual state, which is attained by the CONSCIOUS building of HONEST and SELFLESS COEXISTENCE and which is INCOMPATIBLE with escaping into superficial pleasure, because this internal spiritual frustration does not resolve and for developed beings becomes UNSATISFYING…
With the realization of the Transcendence of the Reincarnation Frame (the cycle of repeated incarnations), comes the REALIZATION that being "subjectively happier" is MORE IMPORTANT than being "materially richer"… and this means that spiritual wealth is MORE IMPORTANT than material wealth… because it persists even after laying down this temporary bodily shell
Future Direction Based on Current Good Merits:
Similar to the case of the Merciful Lord Jesus Christ and the fact that He chooses who will stay with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven… ALL of you, in relation to me as the Last Buddha, are witnesses to the selection of beings who will manifest in the Buddha Maitreya's Field in their next incarnation. Beings who are already dedicated KNOW that they are regularly organized through "spiritual transits." If you do not understand something, look at the document that is closest to this topic.
Our home:
REMEMBER that without your own CONSCIOUSLY exerted Spiritual Effort, you NEVER know where you will end up... and MAINLY for how long. Therefore, pray to be born near one of the Buddhas or in the Buddha Maitreya's Field.
Allow me also to inform you about the AGREEMENT between the Merciful Lord Jesus Christ and me… that ALL beings will gradually be allowed an uninterrupted transit between His Heavenly Place and My Buddha Maitreya's Field, so that no Honorable and Sincere beings will lose out ;)
As for the Buddha Maitreya's Field, it is ESSENTIAL to know that:
- NONE of the beings who spiritually ask me for spiritual protection
- will commit to the Sacred and thus Selfless Service to the Three Jewels (which are: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha)
- and will act accordingly
WILL NOT be left to the mercy of fate after laying down this temporary bodily shell. WILL NOT be abandoned by me…
Given the controversy of the above, it is NOT necessary to act "grandiosely" and push for self-presentation, saying "you belong to us." In reality, this is NOT appropriate. EACH of you beings will know in the right moment what you can afford, and I ASK you to be VERY RESPECTFUL and RESPECT towards yourselves. But on the other hand, do not cheat either – just follow the Golden Middle Path. Because the concept of "matter" and thus "place" is of a spiritual and subjective nature, blessings for transits come spiritually, so REJOICE. Yes, everything is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Do not regret those beings who have not devoted themselves to Good Merits, because they received recommendations but did not heed them.
To better understand the above, representatives of the Buddhist Families CAREFULLY MONITOR ALL events in this so-called "material reality" – which means that ALL our ways of thinking and subsequent actions and behavior are spiritually registered, this data is downloaded, and subsequently sorted into "categories of beings." This means CONSTANT management of the "mental field." This also means that even if you feel abandoned, you are NEVER alone in ANY activity, which can be a frightening discovery in terms of "loss of the concept of privacy," but on the other hand, I believe it is better to know than not to know, especially in the case of beings who do not know this, it is ORDERLY. There is also the ADVANTAGE of safety for such beings who do not act deceitfully against their neighbors or who CONSCIOUSLY renounce such actions, following their better future incarnations.
The FUNDAMENTAL difference between other "spiritual offers" and the one presented here by me is that this one is voluntary and conditioned only by the being's desire to serve the PRINCIPLE OF TRUTH in the sense of LOVE for their neighbor through the DEVELOPMENT OF RECIPROCITY. This service, performed HONESTLY and SINCERELY, ensures the being's birth in a spiritual realm where the SAME LAW of this principle is also REALISTICALLY ENSURED. The GUARANTEE is that NO DECEPTION WILL PASS… which is the CERTAINTY that I, as the guardian of this principle, guarantee, similar to the case of the Merciful Jesus Christ.
It is not within my power to protect ANY being from their own FREE WILL… and from whether they want to be aware of it or not. This is about the AWARENESS OF ONE'S OWN RESPONSIBILITY, which is related to the fact that IGNORANCE OF THE LAW DOES NOT EXCUSE ANY being. The decision whether you will be allowed access to BETTER spiritual realms will be judged based on your ability to realize how your OWN PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is connected with your own FREE WILL… from which follows the level of your DETERMINATION to spiritually grow and develop… and thus your ability to take on your own responsibility and your real willingness to do so or remain in indifference. Your decision to remain in indifference, for those who are aware of your capabilities, means that you have voluntarily decided, to your own detriment, not to continue into the Buddha Fields.
Those of you who have understood and are interested in the above, pay attention to spiritual signs and realize them as guidelines to fulfill in your daily life. There is nothing easier; let yourselves be guided. You will know that you are acting in accordance with the above when you start receiving SPIRITUAL GIFTS, which you will continue to transform into your everyday actions and gradually gain CERTAINTY that you are in HARMONY and ALIGNMENT. If you are unsure, pray to the Merciful Jesus Christ or to ANY Buddha and ask them about what I have communicated; you will receive comfort.
INSTRUCTIONS for beings who consider themselves unworthy due to their bad conscience for their previously committed negative acts – it is necessary to correct everything you know you need to correct... and it is NOT decisive whether you manage to put things in order as you would wish. What is decisive is the fact that you do the MAXIMUM… because this fact is your HONEST and SINCERE motivation and effort, which is being MONITORED... and this fact will be DECISIVE.
RECOMMENDATION for spiritual guidance:
I would say that no learned person fell from heaven, but this would deny the fact that the Teachings of the Buddhas are incarnated to teach and guide us. The point is that with the newly empowered spiritual forces and orientation, you do not need to know what to do immediately, and because we are all constantly learning, it is not a shame; on the contrary, as has been indicated, the more mature the beings, the more they realize that BASIC personal humility is in place.
This warning is especially for beings who are not yet certain that they wish HAPPINESS for their neighbors in ALL aspects of their lives. Please be intelligent for your own sake, because such beings who do not have the personal willingness on their MENTAL LEVEL to wish ALL HAPPINESS to their neighbors will constantly feel uncertain about themselves. This state of subjective UNCERTAINTY can only be overcome by the personal willingness on the MENTAL LEVEL to wish ALL HAPPINESS to their neighbors. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY… and the only thing you need for this, which you have constantly at your disposal, is your own personal willingness to decide ONCE AND FOR ALL, remain firm in your DECISION, and NEVER BACK DOWN from it. Only this is the GUARANTEE of your HAPPINESS and NOTHING ELSE!
Another thing is that the aforementioned is the ONLY way to manage your own SELF-CONTROL, or the CONTROL of your own destructive power, which CANNOT be controlled in ANY other way.
Furthermore, it is necessary to admit that the setting of NO in EVERY single being will eventually change to YES due to the availability of the Knowledge of the Buddhas, because, as indicated, where the Knowledge of the Buddhas is available, the process of Extinction of Desires is automatically and spontaneously triggered. This is DIRECTLY related to the subjective AWARENESS of each specific being that LIFE does not END with the laying down of the bodily shell. The fact that it does not END is a PARADOX that has no logical solution, and before this paradox, worldly reason MUST CAPITULATE. This CAPITULATION is the "giving up" (GIVE UP) from the setting of "NO" to the setting of "YES", from the previous burden of KARMA and thus suffering to the Cleansing from this suffering and thus to Grace. After this Cleansing, the setting of "NO" no longer makes sense, because where there is Cleansing from the burden of KARMA, there is no RESISTANCE and therefore no reason for the setting of "NO". There is Mental Openness free from mental burdens and limitations and mental obstacles, thus the level of "YES"... which EVERY being will reach who encounters the Knowledge of the Buddhas.
This "YES," which means the end of resistance to "fear," means the end of employment by resistance, means your own subjective abundance, and this means that the Knowledge of the Buddhas can mean global mercy and the directly related prosperity.
This also means that such beings who on their MENTAL LEVEL do not wish ALL HAPPINESS in the world to their neighbors cannot control their dark sides unfortunately. If they do not change their setting IMMEDIATELY to the desire for ALL HAPPINESS for all other beings, they will miss the chance to join this COLLECTIVE CHANGE.
Such beings who have ONCE AND FOR ALL and thus RADICALLY DECIDED for the aforementioned mean that beings who have not decided in the same way become TOO TOXIC for them, because their UNSTABLE and INDIFFERENT attitude towards themselves and other beings shows other beings that they REFUSE to take on their own personal responsibility for the COMMON MENTAL CLIMATE in this Buddha Field. Thus, they say that they are not interested in a REAL future CHANGE in their way of thinking and therefore in their way of radiating from previous animalistic ways to more cultivated ways. By doing so, they express their renunciation of their responsibility. Such beings, who refuse their personal responsibility for their willingness to spiritually develop and cultivate their ascent to better and more qualitative spiritual realms, will NOT be allowed.
This Mercy will be available ONLY to such beings who realize that their own rigid tendencies of Jealousy, Envy, Pride, and Conceit no longer benefit them... but limit them. Such beings therefore wish to be cleansed from their previous tendencies through their own spiritual effort so that they can live a FREE life in the future, not a servile one. Therefore, you, desiring beings, can no longer afford to suffer from Jealousy and Envy in your presence, because such thinking and thus radiating is MENTAL SMOG that realistically toxically poisons beings who do not spread and ventilate this MENTAL SMOG. This also relates to the fact that non-desiring, jealous, and envious beings should no longer MISTAKENLY think that they "have the right" to the fruits of your LOVING activity. NO, THEY DO NOT... and if you think so, you harm both yourself and them, because you prevent neither development and yours. Such an absence of LOVING KINDNESS and RESPECT is so simple.
If you wish to communicate with an experienced spiritual guide who can provide you with spiritual guidance, visit:
Link to the Refuge of the Three Jewels... Commitment to Service:
I do not recommend any other tradition at this time, and it is for these reasons:
1) Even though the entire world knows about the Coming of the Last Buddha of this Age, and all world governments know it, and even though other spiritual traditions are watching us and perhaps even supporting us, none of them have officially joined us for the purpose of general benefit to other beings.
2) Even those spiritual traditions that we recognize and with which we communicate spiritually cannot be officially supported by me, because I would be acting against our spiritual agreements, which are in effect until a certain moment.
With respect and understanding towards those who CONSCIOUSLY and in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY support us, it is necessary to inform others that the longer their silence on the spiritual situation in this world, the more bizarre and absurd this silence appears to beings who are spontaneously awakening due to the Knowledge of the Buddhas shared by me. Why? Because what I share is SELFLESS and therefore TRUE… and whoever does not declare their support for this essentially confirms it by their silence, just as those who deny it also confirm it in their own way. This is not criticism, but a CALL TO COOPERATION, because we need to look at what we have done together while we were physically present here in terms of COMMON COOPERATION. We should not be concerned with how we appear to others just because the information I share seems "very controversial." The TRUTH is that the information I share and its absorption by its researchers have completely influenced the course of history, and this cannot be undone. Therefore, I call for overcoming comfort zones and for direct or indirect communication and expression of support, as you would wish to appear with your Good Merits in the eyes of the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA, when you meet Him. With all respect, forget about "what was," because EVERY MOMENT IS A CONSTANT BEGINNING, and that is all that matters. My Love Belongs to You All.
If you are unsure about choosing a suitable spiritual guide or master, I state that you will recognize them by the quality, which, although it may be STRICT, you will retrospectively realize is SUPPORTIVE, because you feel spiritually enriched by their guidance more than before. Furthermore, you realize that your spiritual guide lives and acts INDEPENDENTLY of you and therefore does not need you specifically for their life. This makes you aware that it is an act of LOVING KINDNESS from their side. Everything else is an agreement on mutual exploitation, nothing else.
Lumír Láska ♥ Buddha Maitreya
Under the Highest Patronage:
The Noble Buddha Dipankara
The Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, known as GAUTAMA
The Noble Buddha Padmakara, alias Padmasambhava
The Merciful Lord Jesus Christ
and other equally significant Beings of Light, to whom I thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank, thank.
Special thanks to Buddhas Keanu Reeves, Kurt Cobain, Mel Gibson, and their friends.
The supramental world exists, to which the Entire World in the Spiritual sense should take a stance, because IT IS THIS that should change the current way of perceiving the function of the world from "a place to be exploited by unaware entities" to "a temporarily experienced lesson and opportunity for learning", which should then lead to Peace and Tranquility in the World, thus to the Era of the Golden Age, the Paradise on Mother Earth.
Right now, Here, in This Golden Age, for those ready, the end of all suffering caused by war, the end of all diseases, the end of aging, the end of dying, and all other troubles associated with loss and separation...
July 01, 2023, The office of the candidate for President of the Czech Republic, Lumír Láska, Buddha Maitreya sent a letter to the office of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

All governments of the world were informed of this facton 10.07. – 13.07.2023.
Absolute Knowledge for the Entire World 🕊️💜🌍
With the currently available Knowledge of the Buddhas about the Transcendence of the Reincarnation Frame, you now have, for the first time in your evolutionary development, the Opportunity for Free Choice in the sense of Realizing Your Own Decision about repeated incarnation and the associated re-illnesses, re-aging, and re-dying related to the bodily shell, not you.
Thanks to the currently Available and Understandable Knowledge of the Buddhas, beings NO LONGER HAVE to undergo the agony and suffering caused by war.
WARNING: The currently available Opportunity to gain Absolute Free Choice in the sense of Realizing Your Own Decision about repeated incarnation and the associated re-illnesses, re-aging, and re-dying.
Story of Bodhisattva Maitreya (Part 1/2) The
Maha-parinirvana of Maitreya
Story of Bodhisattva Maitreya (Part 2/2) The next life of
the Maitreya Bodhisattva
Heart of Dharma or Guide to The Self
I love You - I Grant You Grace
The End of Karma - Eternal Life
Láska: December 06, 2023 - Buddha on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day,
confirmed the Enthronement of Christ in Slovakia.
Unification of Christian and Buddhist views on the nature of Reality,

part one and two:
01.01.2022 CHRIST IS A BUDDHA I - Happy Golden Age
FULL MOVIE Christ is a Buddha I
17.11.2022 CHRIST is BUDDHA II - In the beginning was the Word
Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ:
Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA:
#threejewels #buddha #dharma #sangha #lovingkindness #christ #immortality #enlightenment #peace #freedom #goldenage
This was received by ALL governments of the world and thousands of contacts around the world.
Maitreya Buddha Sutra or Emptiness... Mother of The Heirs to
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Maitreya Buddha Sutra oder die Leere... die Mutter der Erben der Unsterblichkeit
Láska: 27. 3. 2019 The end of the world
Lumír Láska: 30. 6. 2020 The end of the world or the Government of
Whoever recognizes... that I have come to HELP him cleanse himself of the demons that are only infatuated with him and that rather do not benefit him, has essentially won.
Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
Editor's Note: "Buddha Maitreya will come when the knowledge of the teachings of the Noble Buddha Gautama is forgotten. And forgotten is exactly what is happening now by pretending that the teachings of the Buddha are not available and understandable for all beings. As stated here, it is characterized by the fact that even an ordinary person can understand it..."
For the first time in the history of your evolutionary development, you have the Option of Free Choice in the sense of Realizing Your Own Decision about reincarnation and re-diseases, re-aging and re-dying...
With the Buddhas' Knowledge of the Reincarnation Framework Overlap now available you now have the Oportunity to Realize Your Own Decision about reincarnation and its associated re-diseases, re-aging and re-dying relating to the physicality, not you...
Thanks to the currently Available and Understandable Knowledge of the Buddhas, beings no longer have to undergo the torment and suffering caused by separation and war. 💜☸🌍🕊
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EN Maitreya Buddha Sutra or Emptiness... Mother of The Heirs to Immortality
DE Maitreya Buddha Sutra oder die Leere... die Mutter der Erben der Unsterblichkeit
CZ Maitreya Buddha Sútra aneb Prázdnota... Matka Dědiců Nesmrtelnosti
Book Review by significant philosopher and phenomenologist operatingat Charles University (Faculty of Education, Hussite Theological Faculty) Prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, Csc.:
"The book we have in front of us is Maitreya Buddha Sutra by Lumír Láska, which shows us how to break free from suffering in our lifetime. Given the myriad hardships of this day and age, a book like this is a blessing. We suffer, we are under threat and we don't understand why because we simply can't. A situation like this is not unfair: ontological discomfort is part of our lives more than we are able to realise and come to terms with. The author presents us with a simple equation: B + MD + C = 0. (B – beginning, MD – momentary duration, C –cessation, 0 – zero.)
The meaning of this is so simple that we are not immediately able to recognise the profundity and truth of this relationship. We have to approach this with the humility and openness that is essential for this kind of deeper thinking.
Lumír Láska gently and tenderly "forces" us down a path of reconciliation, of deep peace, which issomething we need today more than ever.
Emptiness, the full emptiness that is the Brahma, which represents the impersonal supreme divine "being", is the goal to be attained. It is the path to self-discovery, not in the form of our self, or the Heideggerian "Selbst": it is the path to liberation right here on earth, in space and time among other people. The book is about the path to liberation, to nirvana. But this journey involves a deep understanding and self-liberation through themes such as "The Matrix of the Universal Law of Impermanence, The Characteristic of the Non-self, The Four Noble Truths, Compassion – The Gateway to Enlightenment, The Mantra of Pure Directness" etc. Buddhism is a very good path for life. And the book is excellent. My wish is that all readers will be infused with this special light that leaves changes in the soul, changes that will help us to live in ontological discomfort. Thank you to all who helped this book manifest itself in our existences."
Prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, CSc., Prague, 25 February 2021
The text HEART OF DHARMA or Guide to The Self preceded the book MAITREYA BUDDHA SUTRA or Emptiness...
The text of this little book, THE HEART OF DHARMA or Guide to the Self, may be regarded as a shorter version of the Sutra.
Available for download in three languages CZ, EN, DE
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