Press release



Little Buddha by Alena Loučková

The stagnation in Spiritual and thus Evolutionary Development of individuals in ANY community is DIRECTLY RELATED to their subjective ideas and subsequently subjective states of 'lack', and thus also with the inclination and effort to CONSTANTLY compensate for these own subjective states in ANY ways. This Very Arduous Effort Is KARMA. This own subjective IMBALANCE of the individual (based on their own Ignorance, which is related to the Absence of the Knowledge of Buddhas) is DIRECTLY RELATED to the IMBALANCE of the external and thus Global.

From the above, it follows that the Global Solution to both energy and ANY other crises... and thus World BALANCE... is POSSIBLE to Achieve ONLY and SOLELY on the condition that we ALL COMMIT to consciously dealing with the solution to such crises on the subjective psychological level of individuals of the Whole World, so that we ALL TOGETHER CAUSE it to ensure that the Knowledge of Buddhas and thus the Knowledge and Education Universal is meditated to ALL beings AT ONCE and PURPOSEFULLY. This is ALSO the solution to the refugee crisis, as well as the crisis related to subjective ideas of CONSTANT lack of mineral resources and, as a consequence of Ignorance, naturally also inclinations to CONSTANTLY compensate for them. Dispelling the Ignorance of the Whole World is a Task that Lies before the Caretakers of the Awakened World, and those who do not confidently take on this task will only prolong the suffering of their own and the suffering of ALL other beings who belong to their karmic context...

#threejewels #buddha #dharma #sangha #christ #love #purity #education #awekening #enlightenment #freedom #peace #goldenage

President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, was informed about the Selfless efforts of the Heart of DHARMA Sangha and its friends (who Selflessly Share This Universal EDUCATION as part of the Worldwide Spiritual Development, and thus pursue the very purpose of the Possible Termination of Crises on The Worldwide Global level) on the day of July 7th, 2023:

Behind this activity and also behind the other Selfless Activities that are connected with the Intention of Worldwide Spiritual Ascension, in order to become possible at all, there is a Huge amount of Personal Sacrifice connected with the resistance of the beings who are still subject to their own Ignorance, which the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) Selflessly Serving Monks have faced and are facing within their own Spiritual Practice… All of this with the Cosmic Support of other Beings of Light who Self-consciously Dispel their own Inconsistency, and therefore can find, and subsequently offer to the Whole World, solutions other than the sick, warlike, criminal, psychopathological, and insane...

I call upon the Selfless Acting Representatives of ALL nations, and also upon ALL Beings of Good Will who have had their own experience of Selfless acting on behalf of other Beings, to consider that they are NOT ABANDONED in their Selfless Action, for just as they sometimes feel abandoned by the WHOLE WORLD, so do the Monks who are Tirelessly, Persistently and Tenaciously dedicated to the Selfless Sharing of the Knowledge of the Buddhas, Their Holy Service remains long misunderstood due to the Ignorance of deeply suffering beings, and they remain at best long unseen and unrecorded, in the worst case hated and persecuted. Why? Because EVERY one of the beings, up to the moment of the Buddha's Enlightenment, is basically interested in what he thinks is important, and he spontaneously puts this Above his own Capacity for Listening to other beings, i.e., the capacity for Understanding, i.e., Compassion. In the case of Fully Realized and Awakened Beings, i.e. Buddhas, it is the other way around, These Beings First Listen to what other Beings say, how they experience themselves on their own subjective level... and experience... and in response, in the sense of Holy Service to the Three Jewels, they try to Selflessly Provide the best possible answers that would make such beings' own lives easier. And it is EXACTLY This Listening to the Buddhas that these in the psychological sense of the word, form the Buddha Field, which becomes the Spiritual Field where the Laws of Truth, Love, Honesty, Belonging, and thus the highest possible Intelligence ever reign…

I am not asking for pity by stating the above; I am making it obvious in order to suggest a Reflection on the fact that, as you yourself are sometimes misunderstood, ALL other beings feel misunderstood as well, who also go unheard because of your own preoccupation with the superficialities of this world (and thus preoccupation with your own thoughtlessness)... and only because, because the superficialities of this world are more important to you than your willingness to listen to your fellowman... Why? Because one's own personal willingness to Listen to other beings is naturally connected with Love for these beings and with one's own personal Humility in the sense of Holy Service for the benefit of Universal Wholeness, or rather Participation in the Self-Conscious Creation of Paradise in the Element of Mother Earth. And such is the degree of one's own subjective preference for one's own personal pleasures of this superficial world, such is the degree of one's unwillingness to listen to one's fellow men Honestly and Sincerely, in order to benefit them, and vice versa, and such is the degree of willingness to benefit other beings, such is the degree of willingness to benefit oneself... Excuse my critical tuned tone, I am speaking to you from about 2-5% as I normally speak to myself...

One of these Monks, who daily puts forth Enormous Effort in the battle for the Upliftment of the Spirit of the Whole World, is also Alenka Loučková, who translated my main legacy: the book Maitreya Buddha Sútra aneb Prázdnota… Matka Dědiců Nesmrtelnosti Maitreya Buddha Sutra or Emptiness... Mother of The Heirs to Immortality from Czech and English into German Maitreya Buddha Sutra oder die Leere... die Mutter der Erben der Unsterblichkeit I personally entrusted her to Initiate President Putin into the Knowledge of Buddhas, and thereby the Entire Russian nation and thus the Whole World, from a few days after the publication of my open letter to President Putin, she has been uncontactable, which is not at all customary for her. I note that Alenka Loučková, whom I entrusted with the above, did not HESITATE for a single moment...and immediately got to work, precisely because she Fully Understands the ESSENCIAL difference between wh en beings possess the Knowledge of Buddhas and when they do not, including other connections with the Deep Suffering of beings immersed in torment due to Ignorance related... as a result of which This Being's Own Awakened Nature Commanded her that The Knowledge, which she herself received from me, and which she also understood during the translation of the aforementioned book, and which thus Became Understandable to her...

Alenka Loučková, has thus become, in the sense of Sharing the Knowledge of the Buddha, the Patron Saint of the Whole of Russia and thus of the Whole World, because without Her Altruistic Benevolence... and Exertion with this Benevolence Connected... and the Effort with the Immeasurable Wish of the Knowledge of the Buddha to ALL beings without distinction, in which she did not consider her own personal convenience, This Knowledge of the Buddha would NOT be As Evident today as it is today, whereby This Particular Being has RELIEVED the Whole World from the Deep Suffering caused by the karmic burden which, Exactly by Her very Cause, has Begun to Slowly Release... as we are witnessing of this...

Alenka Loučková has included You, Mr. President Putin, in This Her Buddha Love, besides the World Community, for the purpose of Your personal Happiness and Joy, i.e. in connection with the Altruistic and Innocent Wish for Happiness, and I ask You, in the Presence of Our Merciful Lord and Our Patron Jesus Christ, with whom the Teachings of the Buddhas are in EXACT CONSISTENCE, to kindly consider whether you will repay Alenka Loučková ´s Altruism by personally causing her to be with us and the rest of the world contactable again.

Alenka Loučková embarked on the Difficult Path of Nonviolence, i.e. without any other weapons than Loving Kindness to ALL beings, with Her HEART in Her hands, although She KNEW beforehand that She must first encounter Ingratitude before Karma can Ripen, in order to recognize the Pure Intent of This Particular Loving Kindness of Hers to ALL beings without distinction. Few of the Monks are prepared for Spiritual Work on This Scale.

With this I would also like to Encourage ALL True Seekers of the Ultimate, and therefore Absolute Truth of the Meaning of Their Existence, i.e., the Realization of Their Own Buddhahood, and thus Its Completion.

In addition to This Wish of Happiness, I ask, if possible, that Julian Assange and Edward Snowden also learn of this Legacy, so that This Path to Buddhahood may also be Opened to them...

If, after all, it should happen that Alenka herself should break off contact with me and the others of her own accord because she "suddenly doesn't like us anymore", then I will Of Course Apologize Publicly To The Whole World for My Mistake...

Let us ALL TOGETHER bear in Mind that Until the Moment of Enlightenment of Buddhas, EVERY being currently embodied in physical form... and located on ANY territory in the Element of Mother Earth... or elsewhere..., and who is simultaneously expressing his/her sympathies with Peaceful attitudes... or just opens topics for possible GENERAL Peaceful COOPERATION..., and thus GENERAL.

Peaceful dialogues..., is, from the side of beings who are facing their own inner mental Inconsistencies so far... by aggressive attacks of ALL kinds and is also being attacked by persecuted by the community of such aggressors in EVERY POSSIBLE way.

It is to be known that beings with deeper unprocessed personal traumas on their subjective level Suffer Deeply from their own inner imbalance, as a result of which the tendency to external aggression arises in such beings, and thus to wage wars on the local and international level. Although it may seem so at first sight, this suffering is NOT personal in any way and directed against anyone personally. Why? Because if there were mental obstacles in the way of these Deeply Suffering Beings other than just you, they would be directed at them. Why? Simply by the nature of this or that karmic event, which is related to this or that level of Spiritual Education attained…

It follows from the above, that both the Intention and the Realization of the Worldwide Spreading of the Knowledge of the Buddhas is NECESSITY for further Worldwide Evolutionary Development, if it is to be Peaceful.

In other words, Deeply Suffering Beings have NO real idea of why they are in the world, where they where they came from and what the purpose of their lives is...

Such beings, therefore, as a consequence of their own subjective Ignorance, naturally fall into deep states of inner ANXIETY and UNREST and thus DESPERATION... as a result of which they are completely naturally ENGAGED in activities that follow desperate acts and behaviors committed both on themselves and on the lives of their neighbors... Such beings thus, as a RESULT of their own subjective Ignorance (Absence of Knowledge of the Buddhas), naturally DO NOT SEE the meaning of their own lives and THAT IS WHY they LACK it, and THAT IS WHY they do not see the meaning in the lives of their fellow men hence comes that destructive force of darkness, i.e. Ignorance... This VERY frustrating and stressful situation on the subjective level of individuals thus COMPLETELY NATURALLY manifests in the external world, which is shaking in Ignorance just like this or that individual himself... Therefore, Spiritual Education is to be GUARANTEED for EVERY single one of the beings, for IF not, it means a hole in the ship with which the whole world will sink into darkness... Let EACH of the beings consider whether it will realistically help to occupy themselves with the effort of pouring out by means of buckets from the deck and below deck water, or is there an easier solution, which is to make Spiritual EDUCATION AVAILABLE to ALL beings without distinction."

It follows from the above, that such Deeply Suffering beings are NOT to be abandoned by us without Providing Understanding of their Deep Suffering... such Deeply Suffering beings are NOT to be destroyed by us without Opening the Possibility of Awakening to Buddhahood... such Deeply Suffering beings are NOT to be left in vain to naught by us... otherwise it would naturally be our own Indifference on our part, which we ourselves would not forgive on the Day of Judgment. Awakened Beings KNOW that This Judgment Day is happening at EVERY Moment CONSTANTLY. Let EACH of the beings deal with the aforementioned to the best of their KNOWLEDGE and BELIEF as best they can, can prove, can seduce and can do.

Compassion is Understanding and Understanding is the Gateway to Enlightenment:

I lovingly and respectfully add that I see and find responsibility for possible previous misunderstandings in conveying the clear portrayal that the Knowledge of the Buddhas is ESSENTIAL to be Immediately Universally Spread, I also see and find on my part, in the sense that it is possible that the original statement: was not Clearly and Understandably formulated on our part. The purpose of this communication, therefore, is to make it Clearer, More Obvious and also More Understandable. The Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA may He Graciously Grant us His Further Deeper Inspiration, Blessings, Guidance, and Instructions for Spiritual Practice... Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om...

EDUCATION has always been of the Highest value, and it has ALWAYS been for the reason that it has FACILITATED life for beings. As an example, I cite the opportunity to be educated at the world's great and prestigious universities for the purpose of guiding a better future life for their graduates. Achieving this education has always been associated with high financial costs. Another example is the discovery of something so ordinary at first sight as the bicycle, which, in addition to all the advances of today's world, whose function we cannot even imagine without the bicycle, has enabled us to transport heavy loads more easily in the first place.

The above examples are related to the fact that without Universally Shared Knowledge of Buddhas, ANY nation of this world will naturally and CONSTANTLY continue to face the cumbersome efforts of subjugation and enslavement by beings who do not yet receive This Universal Knowledge of Buddhas. Why? Because UNTIL there is a spontaneous Freeing from the passions and desires just as a result of the Mediation of the Knowledge of the Buddhas, Good Karma will not mature and the tendency to wage wars will persist at the level of individuals and groups who do not receive this Knowledge or who have disobeyed this Knowledge...

Thus, the representatives of ALL the world's nations, without their own Deeper Understanding of the EDUCATION Universal ... and its following sharing with individuals and nations by others... there is therefore nothing left to do but to keep themselves occupied with efforts connected with the defense of their own mineral wealth, with the defense of their own borders, with the protection of intellectual property, and therefore also with efforts connected with armaments. This effort Can Be Transformed as Future Free Energy, Just Thanks to the Knowledge of the Buddhas, into the VISIONS of a Kinder World, into which will incarnate beings who will no longer know the low states of the infernal realms, and because they do not know will have no reason to carry it in themselves on a subjective level and then, in their physical maturity and strength, turn it against their fellow men and against themselves as we are witnessing today...

That means wherever Absence of Knowledge of the Buddhas (and therefore Absence of EDUCATION Universal) is present, there is present Ignorance, and wherever Ignorance is present, there is present employment, by which the representatives of the various nations exhaust themselves, and thus also exhaust their own people. Thus, where the Knowledge of the Buddhas is present, employment is not suffering, and vice versa. That is to say, where Universal KNOWLEDGE is present, there it is possible to abandon employment by it, which exhausts the representatives of ALL nations and their people ENTIRELY UNNECESSARILY.

This means that the Knowledge of the Buddhas, and therefore the EDUCATION Universal is as beneficial as the discovery of a seemingly ordinary thing like a bicycle. While the bicycle helped us deal with the physical burdens, and then helped us with the other achievements of the age, the Knowledge of the Buddhas, and therefore the EDUCATION Universal enables us to deal with the Mental and therefore the Spiritual Burden to which the Deeply Suffering beings of this world are subject to because of the absence of the EDUCATION Universal. The ESSENTIAL CONDITION for this to even be possible is to acknowledge at the individual level the first Noble Truth proclaimed by the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA. Without this Fundamental Honesty and Humility to Oneself, Transformation is NOT possible... it is impossible.

Due to the Current Availability of the Comprehensible and Universal Knowledge of the Buddhas, Due to Its Global Sharing, the GREAT and also the ENTIRELY UNNECESSARILY demanding and distressing mental and then consequently also physical Worldwide effort can fall away and the IMMEDIATE mental capacity (!!! THAT FREE SOURCE OF ENERGY, and THEREFORE THE HOLY GRAIL !!!) that DIRECTLY RELATED with hitherto unrecognized levels of one's own subjective HAPPINESS... can serve VERY well for the Creative VISION of a better world for ALL beings in the Mother Earth Element located in... which naturally DIRECTLY RELATED with the Unprompted and therefore Spontaneous Improvement of the Human Rights Level in the World, which DIRECTLY RELATED with the Right of EVERY single being to Universal EDUCATION, that is the Knowledge of the Buddhas. I know that I repeat myself, Love Already Is So, Helps and Supports the Memoryless being to Awaken from the Dream of Suffering. Does that seem complacent to you, my friends? It may, but only until That Moment you See the CONTEXTS, then no more.

While beings, alas, what a pity, who do not receive the Knowledge of the Buddhas, will entirely unnecessarily linger on the lower levels of their spiritual and subjective development, and thus ENTIRELY UNNECESSARILY stagnate, and thus ENTIRELY UNNECESSARILY torment themselves and their neighbors. This applies to beings both wealthy and non-wealthy as well.

With all Respect and Love for ALL beings, I therefore state that without this particular Spiritual Transformation at the level of individuals and nations, they are left with nothing but to, according to their own Contradictory setting caused by their own subjective Ignorance, to which JUST RELATES subjective states of Despair and Unrest, such beings were ENTIRELY UNNECESSARILY mentally tormenting themselves and thus exhausting themselves, no matter how many liters of energy drinks these Deeply Suffering Beings consume, they will suffer as a result of Ignorance, because they really HAVE NO other choice.

And because beings, due to their own Ignorance, torment and exhaust themselves, they cannot but suffer from a LACK OF ENERGY, which results in the need to secure and earn external sources of energy in the ways that such beings at their evolutionary stage currently getting, not in other ways.

It is for these reasons that Universal EDUCATION, like the knowledge of the ordinary bicycle, should not be underestimated and overlooked just because it is offered COMPLETELY FREE, and therefore UNselfishly as something self-evident. This is not about someone's personal desire to convince someone of something and win them over to your side, what is said is said from the level of Impersonal Impartiality, and therefore PRINCIPLE for the sake of EVERY single being for the purpose of the Accomplish of Absolute Independence of EVERY being, i.e. Buddhahood…

I'm not telling anyone to do what I want, I'm "just" Opening up the Possibility to share what I say, with understanding that I am the who say it, so that EACH of the beings can COPE and GET ON with it, AT THE SAME TIME I guarantee that HE'LL COPE AND GET ON, because on a subconscious level, EVERY of all beings still already KNOWS that the information said by me and shared by me are Truth Universal, that is, TRUE UNLIMITEDLY BENEFICIAL to ALL beings without distinction.

To hesitate to share this Universal Truth is therefore to prolong the state of a world torn by violence, murders, wars and vice versa. Let EACH of the beings deal with the aforementioned to the best of their KNOWLEDGE and BELIEF as best they can, can prove, can seduce and can do. In such a community in which Ignorance (that is, the Absence of the Knowledge of the Buddhas) is present, the suffering and oppression of ALL KINDS continues, and vice versa.

From the above ABSOLUTELY NATURALLY and DIRECTLY RELATE the fact, that in such a community, in which the Knowledge of the Buddhas is present, there is at the SAME TIME the CESSATION of ANY activities following the intentions of harming other beings, blackmailing by violence or even murder for the purpose of appropriating what is not Voluntarily Given and thus what such beings do NOT even BELONG TO for the reason, that they have not put their own efforts to the purpose of devoting themselves to activities SOCIALLY SUITABLE and therefore BENEFITIAL, in order to be rewarded for these, and to provide for themselves in a SOCIALLY SUITABLE and therefore BENEFITIAL way their own livelihood and therefore subsistence. Such beings, who wish for a better future, therefore CONSCIOUSLY DISCLAIM such LOW ACTION, and likewise DISMISS ALL beings who have hitherto engaged in UNWORTHY ACTION directed against other beings.

And what is the level of the Ignorance of beings and their own unwillingness to dispel their Ignorance, such is their DESTINY and thus KARMA in the sense of their own Impossibility of staying in a community other than the one to which they belong on the basis of their own level of Ignorance, that is, in the community of individuals who, on the basis of their own Ignorance, occupy themselves with activities that pursue the intention of harming other beings by blackmailing them with violence or even murder for the purpose of appropriation that which is not freely given to them.

The securing of material security is a natural evolutionary phase, but it precedes the next phase, which pursues the sense of how to be better off psychologically on a subjective level, which CANNOT be achieved except through CONSCIOUS COOPERATION WITH OUR FELLOWMEN, because ONLY THEN CAN WE GROW UP TO THE LEVEL OF A GENERALLY PEACEFUL COMMUNITY. For this reason, therefore, no one who is still lingering in the phase of material accumulation should MISTAKENLY think of himself as more intelligent than other beings. Such a being should not be regarded as more spiritually advanced.

The Dispelling of one's own Ignorance NATURALLY and DIRECTLY RELATES to the spontaneous Termination of one's own Animality, Beastliness, and thus the tendency towards Supremacy and Dominance. Representatives of ALL world governments have been informed about the Currently Available and therefore Understandably Accessible Knowledge of the Buddhas by the Monks, who Selflessly Serve ALL other beings in the sense of Sacred Service to the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha), and they were also informed that with their cooperation, This Selfless Service Can Bring Immense Benefits to the Entire World. Let EACH of the beings deal with the aforementioned to the best of their KNOWLEDGE and BELIEF as best they can, can prove, can seduce and can do.

No one was born... no one will die ... Who does not insist on the idea: "I was born" (cause)... does not insist on the idea "I must die" (effect)... he at the same time does not insist on the idea: "to protect my life I have to extort and murder others"... at the same time he does not insist on the idea: "to have a more comfortable life I will extort and murder others". He Dreams Better and Much More Enjoyable. Why? Because he does not preoccupied himself with fears of possible revenge and other measures associated with it.

This is the Spontaneous Dedication of the Buddha - May ALL beings Recognize their own Primordial State of Buddha – May High Beings of Light of the Buddha Families Constantly Accompany ALL of you. Happy Golden Age!

Lumír Láska 💜 Buddha Maitreya

Impartial representative of Worldwide Peace

For the purpose of Expanding Consciousness to attention:

to Spiritual authorities, authorities in the field of cultural influence, the government and institutions of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, political movements in Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, to media at discretion, to institutions at discretion, and to other local and international contacts at discretion. The statement is intended for the Upliftment of Spiritual awareness and is meant for free spreading.

For the purpose of Expanding Consciousness to attention also to:

The International Academy of Energy Information Sciences (an international non-governmental, public creative, self-governing, and self-financing higher scientific institution). International Academy of Energy Information Sciences (internationale niet-gouvernementele, openbare creatieve, zelfbesturende en zelf financierende hogere wetenschappelijke instelling).

The supramental world exists, to which the Entire World should take a Spiritual stance, because just THAT -is what should change the current perception of the world's function from "a resource that unconscious entities wish to exploit" to "a temporarily experienced lesson and opportunity for learning," which should subsequently lead to Peace and Tranquility in the World, hence to the Era of the Golden Age, Paradise on Mother Earth.



The supramental world exists, to which the Entire World in the Spiritual sense should take a stance, because IT IS THIS that should change the current way of perceiving the function of the world from "a place to be exploited by unaware entities" to "a temporarily experienced lesson and opportunity for learning", which should then lead to Peace and Tranquility in the World, thus to the Era of the Golden Age, the Paradise on Mother Earth.

Right now, Here, in This Golden Age, for those ready, the end of all suffering caused by war, the end of all diseases, the end of aging, the end of dying, and all other troubles associated with loss and separation...

July 01, 2023, The office of the candidate for President of the Czech Republic, Lumír Láska, Buddha Maitreya sent a letter to the office of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

All governments of the world were informed of this facton 10.07. – 13.07.2023.

November 27, 2023 Open Letter to President Pavel

@prezidentpavel @RobertFico @PutinDirect 

Lumír Láska responds to the post of President Pavel

November 30, 2023 Reaction to Open Letter for Czech president Pavel

December 06, 2023 Buddha on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day, confirmed the Enthronement of Christ in Slovakia.

January 26, 2024 FREE ENERGY 💎

Thanks to the currently Available and Understandable Knowledge of the Buddhas, beings NO LONGER HAVE to undergo the agony and suffering caused by war.

The End of Karma - Eternal Life

I love You - I Grant You Grace

Heart of Dharma or Guide to The Self

Thus Have I Heard

Unification of Christian and Buddhist views on the nature of Reality,

part one and two:

01.01.2022 CHRIST IS A BUDDHA I - Happy Golden Age

FULL MOVIE Christ is a Buddha I

17.11.2022 CHRIST is BUDDHA II - In the beginning was the Word